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(slight trigger warning ⚠️ )

~"I-I Uh! I'm sorry." Sara-lyn blushed with a big embarrassment smile. Her hands were placed on my chest as she pushed me off a bit to give her some space.
"What? Did I hurt you?" Immediately my mind went into panic mode. I didn't want to hurt her!
"No-no. I'm just shy LongLong." She giggled, cuddling back up to my chest.
"Hey we don't have to, you know. I love you so I can wait." I explained, my hands discontinuing the touches on her skin.

"No! I want you!" She blushed a deeper red and hid her pretty face in my bicep.
I began to kiss the most beautiful girl in the world. The way her nose scrunched when I kissed her cheeks made my heart want to burst. ~

My heart began to beat rapidly as my eyes finally opened and the image of her left me.
Damn, another dream. Well, more like another memory I was forced to watch over. Dreams were now a combination of everything that was wonderful, and everything that ruined my life.

The status of the morning was that of me staying in whatever position I had woken in, arms tucked into one another like I was hugging someone, and my knees were hiked almost to my chest. I felt like a baby. Baby.


Before my brain even told them to, my legs sprang into action. Where's Angel?

Wait. Where the hell am I?

I'd never seen this room in my life. All the walls were white and a large bay window with transparent curtains adorned the wall on my left.

"No I just gonna see, daddy, " a little voice giggled outside the door.

"Abie I already said no, don't bother him!" A much deeper voice answered.

I didn't know where I was but now I was just scared.

"Oh my gosh just because." I could hear the stress in the male's voice, presumably the small child's farther.

"Abie don't touch the handle-"

Before he could finish the sentence the door to the room I was in cracked open, and a head of tight, black curls made its way into the space.

A tall, gangly boy, my age maybe, stumbled after the small child that waddled my way.

"Oh my gosh kid! Don't wake him up!" He grabbed the little girl and lifted her so she sat in his hip.

"No, no it's okay. I'm already awake." I spoke up, startling the boy as he turned to face me.

"Dude I'm so sorry. She's not usually so naughty." He shot the little girl a look only a parent could.

"I-it's okay." I felt a little awkward just laying there while some guy I didn't know had a staring contest with his daughter.

"Ahem," the two turned to look at me and I looked at them expectantly.

"Oh sorry man! I'm Zihao, and this is my daughter Abie. Say hi baby."
Zihao prompted Abie only for her to suddenly get shy and bury her face in her father's neck.

"Hi Abie." I tried to initiate the greeting but she stayed cuddled up to Zihao. He rolled his eyes. "This kid I tell you-"

"Actually can you tell me something?" I interjected. My palms were becoming sweaty and my cheeks were heating up.
"Where am I? And where's my daughter?"

He stared straight at me before he began to grimace. "Oh gosh you're probably so confused. I'm so sorry! " he set down the little girl and told her to go play before sitting next to me on the mattress.

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