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"They're Johnny's." Hanyu answered my unasked question. Maybe my face had shown my confusion, thought I told it not to.

"He has kids?"

"Well not exactly. Shuyang is his biological child, and MingRui's his nephew." Zihao explained, now crouched over the play mat, busying himself with a few legos. "But he treats them the same."

"Hmm." I hummed and nodded, my brain entering information overload. Everything was so new and different. I had no idea so many young dads could live together like this, but I guess nothing is weird now.

The three of us had grown kinda close through our conversation, and I started feeling like maybe I could trust them.

"Daddy," one of the little boys crawled into Hanyu's lap, hands landing on his father's (and I will admit they're cute) chubby cheeks.
"Yes baby,"
"Can I have snack, pwease." The toddler brought his face closer so he was touching Hanyu's nose with his own.
"Oh me too daddy! Pwease!" The other boy cheered from the play mat.
"Already? It's hasn't been long since breakfast boys. Wait a little bit okay?"
"Kay daddy."
The small child sunk down so he was lying in his dad's lap like a puppy would, belly up and waiting for praise.
I couldn't deny that the whole scene made my heart beat a little faster than normal. Weather it be fear, or the sheer endearment I felt from it all, and the fact that I would be that sort of position before I could process everything, all I could do is watch in awe. I wanted to be like him.

Sara-lyn had told me that I'd find people that inspire me to be a good father. I just never expected it to be another teenager.

~ "trust me Xinlong, you'll be a wonderful dad." Her soft little hands held mine over the swell of her stomach, the baby having an absolute kicking fit. "She'll be all the inspiration I  need." I said lowly like I was vowing it to happen.
"I know darling, but don't forget that other people are inspiring too. Like my dad, yours even." She tried, and I gave her a sweet smile. She was so cute.
"I hope our baby looks like you." I blurted out, only a little embarrassed.
Sara-lyn's smile said it all and more. "Really? Am I pretty to you?"

"Gorgeous." I huffed in disbelief of his pretty she really was. "You'll be my inspiration too," I whispered, getting closer to the beauty and placing a small kiss on her cherry, red lips.~

"Okay well, the boys and I are gonna go visit Liv today." Hanyu piped up, making the twins jump in excitement.
"Mommy!" The two cheered, inherited chubby cheeks turned up by their smiles.
"Yes we're gonna see mommy." He hugged the two up and sighed. Mommy? I thought maybe all of us were in the same position. My stomach started to turn at the thought. I didn't know why but it made me feel a little sad to think the boys weren't living with their mother. Hanyu was great so it didn't hurt too much.

"Is she allowed visitors now?" Zihao asked, hugging the now sleeping Abie in his arms.
"Yeah, she's been allowed for a little while now, but I haven't taken them to see her there in a little while.  It just always irks me when they're there." Hanyu responded.

"Hey I'm sorry, but where?" I interjected, feeling completely and utterly lost.
"Liv, their mother. She's uh, she's in Lovk County Detention Center." He looked down in a sort of shame I'd never seen before. His face blushed red and he hid his face afterwards.

What? PRISON? How the fuck ? When the fuck? Just what the fuck? Okay, no now I see why he gets so embarrassed, because people like me freak out like this. I tried to keep my surprise under my skin, but it was just so out of left field.

"Ho-how did that? You know how'd- when did That happen?" My words sounded like a scratched cd stuck on a track.
The looks I got weren't exactly appreciative, but then again it was a dumb question.

"She lied to me when we first started dating, said she was 16." He his face half covered, still embarrassed by the situation. No shot I would be kinda embarrassed myself. Especially if some dumb ass kid asked me why the mother of my children was in jail.

"And she wasn't?" I asked, again something I could've picked up in context.

"She was 20 turning 21. And when she got pregnant she finally told me. Turns out this had happened before and I wasn't the only one she was with around my age. I regret it but I wasn't the one who pressed the charges. I was so blindly in love with her, even after she confessed to lying and about the cheating."

I sat there in silence as he explained everything that happened. Holy shit what? How does that kind of thing even happen?

I felt so bad for him, my heart kinda breaking for him. I didn't know the other boys would have equally as tragic stories, like mine. I guess I was walking blind in my situation.

And I was glad I hadn't been lied to.

Woah dudes I'm sorry that whole thing was a roller coaster of "wtf" 👌🏻 enjoy

\\angel// Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin