The Drunk

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Once Ryder and I got to the club, he had to go get ready with the band and he asked me to get him a soda at the bar. I wasn't worried until I sat down. Some guy ran over, flopped on the counter and threw his drink over the edge. It was Laz.

"I'm not cleaning that up."

I moved over one stool hoping he wouldn't notice me, to my disappointment.

"Hey, you're Ryder's friend uh...Soda?"

My mind went back to that first day at the cafe. I wonder if this is where Ryder got his rudeness from.

"My name is Sody, thank you. And if you'll excuse me, I'm going to watch your band play."

I grabbed the two glasses and went over to the same spot on the couch.

Right as I sat down, Laz plopped down next to me.

"What do you want?"

He came way too close to my face. "I want you."

I could tell he'd had quite a few drinks, seeing as his breath smelled like it held more liquer than the bar itself. I hoped Ryder would see him, and get him off of me, but that didn't happen, so I used the strength I had to push him off of me.

"You have personal space issues. Can you just leave me alone?"

Right before he could answer, Cody called him over. He gave me a perverted look, then stumbled over to them. Ryder was looking at him like he wanted to kill him. 

Do Ryder and Laz have a bad past? I mean, it's obvious that everyone in the group hates Laz with everything they've got. But Ryder, just gives him this death look. You just can't help but wonder.

By the third song, Laz looked like he was gonna puke all over the stage. They were killing it up there, except for him. All of the chords he played were completely off and I'm pretty sure, for his background vocals, he was singing Itsy Bitsy Spider. I kind of hope they'll cut their set a couple songs short just so they can get that idiot off the stage. 

Ryder practically read my mind when he announced that they were gonna have to cut the set short due to an emergency, and they performed one more song. 

After that song finished, Ryder looked at me and jerked his head to the left wanting me to come over which I did. Before he got off, Laz came off and once again, took one too many steps close to me. Ryder pushed him away and Laz almost fell over, before throwing up all over the floor right in front of us.

"Has he ever been sober," I asked the rest of the band.

"First time we met him, he'd had one shot, if that counts as sober," Cody said shaking his head at him. 

I handed Ryder his soda, and he drank more than half the glass in three gulps.

"He called me Soda."

He brought the glass down. "He called you what?"

Even I was confused. "He called me Soda. He thought my name was Soda."

He raised his eyebrows and began to bring the glass back up.

"Well, gotta applaud him for at least knowing what soda is."

After he finished the soda, he set the glass down on a table.

"You ready?"

I nodded feeling very light-headed from the smell of puke.

We walked around the two men trying to clean it up and went out to Ryder's car.

"Oh Jesus," he screamed, causing me to freak out.

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