I'm Everybody's Fool so My Heart is Broken

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Hello everyone! How are we today?

I'm honestly not sure how long this chapter's gonna be. I'm looking at my plan right now and it could go either way, really long or on the shorter side.

Don't forget to vote, comment and share!

Song credits will be at the ending Author's Note as usual.


Louis hung up his phone while pacing in his hotel suite. He couldn't help but worry after seeing the one headline of Harry passing out from a panic attack, but instead of putting himself in the same condition, he decided to put his energy into something constructive.

He started making calls as soon as he was checked in.

He just finished getting off the phone with one of their mutual friends to see if they perhaps had any ideas of where Harry was set up to stay in Amsterdam. Unfortunately they had no idea.

That was the tenth call he made in the time he'd been up here.

Louis was seriously getting desperate for any kind of information on where Harry and his band was.

He just wanted to see him.

Louis had always been there when Harry was triggered before. The first time was scary as fuck, and Louis honestly didn't know what to do when he was suddenly hyperventilating and struggling to calm down. So he did what he did best.

He winged it.

He did the things that he knew that relaxed Harry on a normal day, like rubbing his back, running his hands down his arms, hugging him, talking nonsense, and playing with his hair.

Harry absolutely loved it when Louis played with his hair.

In the end, scary as it was for both of them, Louis learned what worked best for Harry in bringing him back.

He needed to stay calm and keep a steady breathing pattern, run his hands over his arms, and occasionally his back, and he needed to play with his hair. An embrace wouldn't go amiss either.

It wasn't until maybe his third attack that Louis figured out what it was that triggered him. Each time it was the same thing.

Overwhelming emotions and stress combined with an inability to deal with them.

And that made Louis wonder what he could have possibly been thinking about to overwhelm him so badly. He just wished that he was there.

He'd already called Nick, Ed, Bebe, Ariana, Kelly, Leigh-Anne, Perrie, Jesy, Jade, and Ashe but none of them have any idea where Harry could be any more than he does. Of course the Little Mix girls along with Ed and Nick were concerned about his health because of fucking course they saw the headline.

Louis' life can never be simple can it?

No. No it can't.

It was only a matter of time before it made the rounds, but Harry's management finally got off their collective asses and did something before more publications could get ahold of the news and essentially shut them down.

Louis didn't know the details and he didn't really care to know at this point.

While Louis was pacing and calling he's been texting the boys as well and they each have been trying other friends of theirs that have connections to Harry, but they're not holding out much hope. Louis shares the most friends with Harry so it was honestly up to him.

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