Say Something

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A bit on the shorter side. No singing in this one either, but a song is what this chapter is based on, and that song is the YouTube video above. Credits will be given at the bottom as always.

After checking in with Jay and the rest of the Tomlinson Family, Harry felt exhausted, both physically and mentally. He looked up from where he was sitting in Louis' car to the man himself and saw that he wasn't far behind.

The doctors had come and given a more solid estimate on how much time was left for Jay, and though they didn't really want to hear it, they all knew they needed to.

December. That is the best they could do.

Harry's all too aware that he and Louis have been so focused on comforting the girls and Ernie, along with helping Jay get her affairs in order, that more time has passed than what is ideal. It's November now and he and Louis still haven't addressed the very present elephant in the room.

Harry's avoided the issue by writing song ideas for a future album and Louis's done much the same. They talk a bit with each other when the boys and Louis' siblings are around but when it's just them, they tend to stay in a tense and very awkward silence.

Oh yeah, and they're staying together, as if it couldn't get any more awkward for them.

With the news that they received today, however, Harry knows that they really can't put it off any longer. They have to talk about it.

Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one if you want me to
Anywhere, I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you

Harry looks over at Louis when he finally parks the car, "Louis, we have things to talk about."

He tensed in his seat, hands gripping the steering wheel as if to hold onto something for dear life, "Y-yeah," he stammered, "I guess...I guess we do."

They got out of the car and Harry walked in first, Louis trailing behind him, dragging his feet and looking like he'd rather be anywhere else.

They walked to the dining area and sat down at the table across from each other, face to face.

Harry looked over at Louis' face and saw the conflict in his eyes, the soul deep weariness on his countenance and just the heart rending pain from the conversation that he knew was about to take place.

And feeling so small
It was over my head
I know nothing at all

Harry decides to start the conversation by stating his perspective, "You obviously know how I felt about the situation before Briana."

Louis nodded glumly.

"You know now that I knew all along when you started up again." Harry leaned back into the backrest of the chair, his green eyes unfocused in pained remembrance, "I don't know exactly what you did there at the clubs, and honestly I don't really want to. Just know...that I knew almost immediately."

Louis sighed shakily, "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I was exhausted." Harry said softly, closing his eyes, "I know you were too, but I had to watch you fall apart and rebuild you night after night beforehand. We fought over it, we almost broke up over it, I nearly made myself sick over it, I worried about you because of it," He opened his eyes and looked at Louis, piercing straight into his weary soul, "I didn't want to start another war about the same thing again, Louis. Insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result. I wasn't going to do that this time."

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