I Breathe No More, Lacrymosa

222 10 73

Hello everyone! How are we doing?

This chapter is going to be a fair bit shorter than the last one, but it's still pretty crucial.

All song references will be credited at the author's note at the bottom as per usual.

TW// Panic attack. I'll mark it off with ~~~~


Harry's initial nervous feeling for his meeting with his manager today before leaving for Amsterdam after the show hasn't gone away. He knows that he and Louis haven't exactly been subtle, him more than Louis because Louis was just answering, reacting.

Trying his damnedest to comfort him from afar.

Their fans were stirred up and Harry knew that his fans were scattered in terms of opinions. There were some that were of the opinion that Louis was just tweeting out because he liked the same music, others were saying that he was "larrie-baiting," whatever that meant.

Then there were the ones that were openly starting fights.

They were either against Harry and said he was just trying to get attention by tweeting, those being people that absolutely loved Louis and tolerated the other boys, but hated him for some reason.He honestly didn't know why, but they were a pretty good minority in Louis' fanbase.

It was his own fans that he was more concerned about.

They were the ones that insisted that he was straight, that he had been linked with multiple women over the years, that he would never be caught dead being romantically linked with a man, let alone a man like Louis.

They even went so far to call him a rat on many occasions.

Harry dislikes many things and tries to avoid hating things, but he can honestly say that behavior like that is a quick way to get there in his opinion. It's as if they forgot that he and Louis were best friends in One Direction, or at least that was the narrative. They even had the audacity to contradict him by saying he hated being in One Direction.

In all honesty they were in some ways worse than his management because they alienated him from people with the preconceived notions that they either create, or were manufactured by his management, whether previous or current. They're almost as much his enemy as his management.

He is blown away by some people's efforts to push a narrative just because they can't accept that they're wrong.

Then there were the Larries.

They were pretty much on point with what was going on. Harry was tweeting portions of songs of a new friend he had made. They did their research on Amy when he was spotted with her, which is more than the trashy tabloids did, and quickly spread the word through the fandom that she was married and had a child and not romantically linked to Harry in any way whatsoever.

It was a load off of Harry's shoulders in all honesty.

However, it brought on another stressor to him because he knew how Louis' management was and he also knew how his management was. While his management gave him some freedom to be himself, he wasn't due for contract renewal for a bit and he was absolutely, positively not allowed to come out.


They were too afraid of his fans' reaction.

Louis' management on the other hand were the same homophobic assholes that the worked with in One Direction. They likely knew that Louis' fanbase would be supportive regardless of his sexuality, but didn't care. They gave Louis the freedom to work and create the music he wanted but it came at a cost. The music he made wasn't exactly "popular" so to speak, so they knew exactly what the cost was going to be.

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