Where Do We Go When Lost in Paradise?

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Did this one a bit different. Videos to the songs will be where they are relevant. Credits will be at the end. Thanks for the comments and votes!

Harry was near obsessive with checking his phone for any text messages or missed calls from Louis. He thought that the song from his show the other night would have made his feelings clear and would have garnered a reaction from the other man but he's still left with silence.

Unbearable, deafening silence.

They're in Arizona now and with each passing day since he played Tears of Gold he's become as close to depressed as he's ever been. Niall has tried to reassure him that he's spoken to Liam about getting Louis to finally speak to him but he's just been busy between recording some singles and taking care of his family now that Liam has to get back to working on his own music.

Harry so desperately wants to believe him, wants to believe that Louis is just busy with his music and his family, but he can't help but think that that isn't all that's going on. He can't help but think that his family and his music are just a convenient excuse.

Harry knows Louis. He knows that when he truly wants something, he'll move heaven and earth to make it happen. He'd walk through hellfire if that's what it took. The fact that he's now using his family and his music as a reason to not talk to him now...

It fucking hurt.

Harry held back the tears as his thoughts continued to spiral darkly about the situation. He idly thought that maybe he should just say 'Fuck it' and call Louis and tear into him for his avoidance and cowardice, but then thought better of it, Don't want to give him even more reason to avoid me. He shook his head.

Harry's temper continued to sour the longer Louis didn't speak to him as he was continually moody. His bandmates didn't comment on it, thankfully, because he knows that he's been a bit of an arse to them. When he calms back down, he always makes sure that he comes back to them and apologizes to them individually for his unacceptable behavior.

It wouldn't do if he didn't practice what he preached after all.

Harry sat back and thought about the early days in his and Louis' relationship. The days that it wasn't difficult. The days that the were truly happy.

He remembers trying to teach Louis how to cook, even if he was hopeless in the kitchen. He remembers living in the same flat. He remembers many nights cuddled up together both on the couch or in bed together. He remembers movie nights, late night talks, writing sessions, and just being in each other's presence. He remembers when they just couldn't stand being away from each other.

He remembers when they first said "I love you."

He remembers all the countless gifts they would get each other, material and otherwise. He remembers comforting each other during storms emotional and otherwise, and simply being there for each other. He especially remembers when Louis would support him whenever he saw negative tweets about him on Twitter. He always reciprocated of course.

He remembers when it all changed.

Eleanor came into the picture and she was okay at first. They were sympathetic for her. She was a struggling Uni student who was backed into a corner and subsequently taken advantage of by their management. It was going okay at first, but then she started to take the act a bit too seriously.

Taylor came into the picture around that time too, and Louis wasn't happy about that either. It wasn't until Taylor came over to their flat, sat them down and explained to them in no uncertain terms that she wasn't in any way interested in Harry, but was doing this because she was being left with little choice, just as they were. When they asked her why she wasn't interested in Harry, completely out of curiosity, she simply replied with, "One, nothing against him but, he's not my type. Two, I don't date boys that are already in relationships, nor do I want to attempt to break them up."

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