Through Conversations in the Dark, I Give You All of Me

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Fair warning, this one may be a good bit shorter than my usual length of chapters because it's sort of a filler. Both songs used in this chapter will be credited at the bottom as per usual.

Also, don't be afraid to comment! I love to read them and will respond when it's warranted!


They're in the car headed back home to their house in London, yes their house, because they've decided to live in one person's house for now even though they have kept the other's house on hand for their families.

Louis planned a date for them and Harry was delighted to accept. It wasn't anything extravagant, just dinner at one of their favorite restaurants.

A lot had happened since Louis' performance in December. He filmed a music video for one of his singles and the X-Factor people had released the video for his performance. When they watched it, Louis couldn't stop tearing apart the performance, so Harry refused to let him watch it again.

He could see how destructive it was.

Harry reasoned with Louis, telling him that he was emotional during that performance, and understandably so. He also was under an unreasonable amount of pressure. No reasonable person could expect him to execute an absolutely perfect performance when it was in honor of his mother who had just died days beforehand.

He kept telling him that, but Harry's not sure if Louis truly believed him, or if he even understood.

Since all Harry was really doing was writing for his next album, he tagged along with Louis, discreetly of course, for his promotion tour of his singles. He's not letting him go now that he has his lifeline back, Louis didn't protest either.

In fact, Harry's pretty sure that Louis would have encouraged him to come if he didn't bring it up.

When he wasn't writing and looking for inspiration for his next album, Harry provided moral support for Louis and generally had fun while with him. Unfortunately they couldn't be seen together too often, otherwise people might get suspicious.

When they were in New York, the shoe was on the other foot though.

Robin had been battling cancer for a long time and Harry thought it was well under control to the point that it was in remission. He received a call that told him the exact opposite.

It was Jay all over again, only this time it was his own stepfather and not his ex-boyfriend's mother.

When he hung up the phone, he wrote and wrote. Once finished, he just sat in his seat and stared at a point out of the window, lost in his own head.

He was so out of it that he didn't even notice when Louis came into their room until he walked up and waved a hand in front of his face to get his attention.

After telling him everything, even showing him what he wrote, the roles from December were reversed and Louis held him.

Louis ended up missing a couple of his promo interviews, asking for Steve to cover for him while telling him the true story because he was a good friend and knew how to keep his mouth shut.

They had their good days, they had their bad days, especially where their grief is concerned. After Louis' promo tour was over, they visited Holmes Chapel at Harry's insistence because he knew his mother wanted to see Louis, not only to reconnect with the other boy, but to also check and make sure he was okay.

The first thing Anne did when she saw Louis was engulf him in a hug and make sure that he was okay and let him know that he was still loved. Harry remembered that he looked on with a warm smile. He knew that his mother missed Louis. He also knew that she missed how happy he was when Louis was around.

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