Mission 1: The Dearest Aliance

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Darnell and Nene went to meet up with Girlfriend. At the diner for breakfast and to discuss with her on certain matters.
They both noticed Girlfriend, already here waiting at the diner, and have a table for them.
She greeted them with hugs, and they all sat down. Looking at the menu, they didn't eat so might as well enjoy breakfast while discuss a serious matter.

"So what did you guys want to talk to me about?" Girlfriend laid her menu down smiling.

"It's about P-"

"Pic-" Nene punched Darnell in the face, and turned back to Girlfriend, like nothing happened.

"As I was saying It's about Pico, a certain matter that concerns your family. And got Pico and Boyfriend caught in the midst of it." Nene finally explained. Darnell covering his bloody nose.

Girlfriend gasp, dramatically, "Oh no! What happened!? What did my family do?"

Nene and Darnell explained everything to her that Pico had told them. And what he was trying to do. After they were finished explaining the whole ordeal, Girlfriend was silent for a moment...

"So it wasn't an hallucination...?" Girlfriend looked away from them. Trying to wrap everything her mind.

"What do you mean? You encountered him again?" Darnell asked, Girlfriend was about to answer. But waitress approached them.

"Are we ready to order?" She smiled.

"Yes!" They all said in unison, smiling back at her.

Their order came back, and immediately they begun to dig in. Girlfriend was taking nibbles. To continue where she left off.

"I've been having visions lately, about this lemon head fucker. And kept asking for my skin..." Girlfriend mad a disgusted face, as chills went down her spine.

"Wow, the way you guys are describing him. Makes me not want to meet that bastard." Nene took a bite of her Omelete.

Girlfriend slammed the table, making the two jumped. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT CREEPS PROBLEM! He acts like we did him wrong! The SICK BITCH GOT WHAT HE DESERVED! How dare mess with my friends!" Girlfriends horns growing out and her skin changing color from the anger.

Then she slowly relaxed, and fixed her dress smiling. "I would gladly assist, if it means getting rid of a parasite. Speaking of parasites, where's Pico?"

Darnell and Nene both looked at each other then back at Girlfriend, "He's Busy." They both spoke in unison.

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