Mommy Mearest

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Girlfriend texted Boyfriend the location to meet her at their house. Boyfriend sent her a reply back.

B: Thanks I'll be there, waiting on Pico.

GF Texting.........

G: Awesome ^^ We'll be waiting, tell your man to hurry up >:)

Boyfriend rolled his eyes, he waited for his Boyfriend outside the gas station. Two minutes later, he pulls up in front of him.
Letting down the window.

"Well, what are you waiting for... Get In!" Pico ordered.

"Wait! Please let me drive, I can't handle your speed racer driving." Boyfriend asked peaking his head, through the open window.

"Pfft, do you even know how to drive?" Pico raised an eyebrow at him. Boyfriend mean mugged Pico.

"What the hell am I TEN!? You guys literally treat me like a little kid, I know how to drive... PLEASEEEEEEEEEE...Pumpkin."

"Hhnmm, Fine. I hope you don't drive like a grandma." Pico getting out the front seat, flicking his Boyfriend in the forehead. Before getting in the passenger seat.
Boyfriend just pouted at him, rubbing his forehead.

"Whatever man." Boyfriend got in the driver's seat, rubbing his forehead.

They finally made it to Girlfriends house. She saw them outside from the window.
Pico was knocked out in the passenger seat. Boyfriend didn't think he was driving the slow.
It literally only took Pico four minutes to fall asleep. Boyfriend came up with an idea to wake up, non-aggressively.

Boyfriend leaned close to his ear, whispering his name. Making Pico take out his gun, aiming it between Boyfriends face.

"GET AWAY CASSANDRA!" Pico taking the protection off the gun.

"P-P-PICO ITS ME BOYFRIEND... P-PLEASE D-DON'T SHOOT... I'm not Cassandra." Boyfriend trying to calm down, he didn't expect him to react that way, with a whisper.
Eventually, Pico snapped out of it, realizing where he was at. Pico's face turned to dread, at the thought of almost killing his Boyfriend, the only person he ever cared and loved.

Boyfriend tried to hide the fact, that he was scared for his life but couldn't. Which made the situation worse, Pico seeing that Boyfriend is scared of him now.

Pico was going to speak, but Boyfriend covered his mouth with both shaking hand, not meeting his gaze.

"P-P-Please don't... I-I know y-you didn't mean. I was just a l-l-little caught off guard..." Boyfriend taking breaths, relaxing himself.

"Can we please forget this just happened... I don't want you to l-l-leave... W-We just got back together... I promise I w-won't wake you up like that again."

Boyfriend finally finished, removing his hands from Pico's mouth. Pico was just speechless and silent.
Even though he didn't speak, his silence and demeanor spoke volume. Boyfriend knew what was gearing in his brain.
He just not going to voice it, not right now.

They both eventually got out the car, not wanting to keep Mommy Mearest Waititng. Longer than she had too.

Pico hiding his guns, as Girlfriend opened the door letting them in. Hugging Boyfriend.
Then trying to do the same with Pico, who only stepped back. She was confused by the standoffish behavior, but then shrugged it off.

Mommy Mearest Descending from the Big stairs in the middle of house.

"Well, well, well... So is the famous Boyfriend I heard so much about. Daddy doesn't like you very much." She smirked wickedly. Making Boyfriend smile nervously.

She then turned her gaze, to the angry looking boy. Next to Boyfriend. "And that must be the ticking time bomb lover, of yours my daughter told me about... You both seem tense... Why don't you... RELAX." Mommy Mearest eyes glowed more red.

A bright light blinding both of them. They weren't in the house no more, but instead on top of a moving limousine. Boyfriend was searching around for Pico.

Worried something might of happened to him. "Where's Pico!?" Boyfriend asked sternly, looking straight at Mommy.

"Don't be so uptight Sweetheart. Baby boy is safe and tide down inside the limousine. I wanted us to discuss the deal in private..."

"What is this deal?"

"Well it's nice of you to ask. I promise Daddy, I'll handle the situation better... Now the deal is, in order for you to be free from Daddy's kill list is if you win in this Rap battle... But if I win, you have to go out with My daughter as well as. Give Pico to us."

"Wh-What do you need Pico for?"

"I don't believe that's any of your concern... Now Get Ready." She smirk. Throwing Boyfriend a mic, and grabbing her special red bedazzled mic.

"Your going down Bi-" Girlfriend cleared her throat at Boyfriend.

"I mean Lady, let's go." Boyfriend replied, with Determination.

" Boyfriend replied, with Determination

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