School Shooting

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"P-P-Pico... P-Please don't go... you don't have to do this... I don't want you to die." Tears falling down like rivers from boyfriends eyes.

Pico was in front of the locker, he hid his boyfriend in. Holding a Rifle, before facing Cassandra and her gang of misfits. He slowly push his finger to Boyfriend's lips, shushing him softly.
To comfort and calm him down.

"It's alright Boyfriend, I'll be fine. I promise to come back for you after this is all over" Pico spoke to him calmly.
"Y-Y-You... Promise." Boyfriend sniffled, calming down a bit. Pico resting his hand on his cheek.

"I Promise." Pico pulled Boyfriend into a soft kiss, before finally pulling away.  Closing his locker he hid him in and locking it, If Pico have to be honest with himself he was scared and shaking slightly. This was too much to deal with for a NINE YEAR OLD. He had to calm his breathing, and wipe the tears that was daring to come out. He had to do this... he had to keep his BOYFRIEND SAFE... No matter what even if it meant him dying.

Pico was breathing heavily, he had a lot of blood all over him. His gun, shirt, pants, and face. Along with cuts and bruises, he was shaking a bit but then had to calm himself down.


After he finally calmed down, he headed back to where his boyfriend was kept at. Hopefully no one found him and.... He shook that thought from out his head.
As he made it back to his locker, he quickly went to work with the lock on his locker.
After opening it, Boyfriend leaped into his arms. Wrapping them tight around his neck. Quiet sobbing in Pico's shoulders.

"I'm so glad... your still alive." Boyfriend whispered softly.

Pico hugged him back, sighing relaxing in his hold, his scent... it felt like home...But....


"Boyfriend I...I...." Pico was on the verge of crying again. He slowly pushing Boyfriend off of him, only arms length. Boyfriend looking at his lover puzzled.


"I'm sorry boyfriend, but I think it's best if we... Breakup." Pico had his head hung, gripping Boyfriend's shoulders tightly.
Boyfriend on the verge of tears again. Shaking his head vigorously gripping Pico's arms tightly.

"W-W-What a-are you talking about...W-Why... Was it something I-I said or did?"
Pico biting his lips trying to fight back his tears. Sliding away from Boyfriend.

"No Boyfriend... It's.... It's about something I did and committed, you shouldn't date a murder." Pico finally spat out keeping eyes from looking at a heartbroken lover.
Boyfriend was not just hurt but angry at the same time.

"W-WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! Y-Y-Your not a murder Pico... Y-You we're just trying to p-protect p-"

"LOOK AROUND YOU BOYFRIEND, WHO DID I FUCKING SAVE. ALL I DID WAS ESCALATE THE SITUATION TO KEEP MY ASS ALIVE!" Pico shouted at him in frustration and anger. His gun still in his hand, gripping the handle tighter.

Police and Emergency coming closer to the school. It was silent for a moment before Boyfriend spoke up again.

"You protected me... you saved me."

Boyfriend's response made Pico finally choke, and hot tears fell down his face. Boyfriend wanted to approach Pico, but froze in his track. Eyes as big as saucers.

"P-P-Pico?" Boyfriend questioned shakily. Pico aimed his shotgun at Boyfriend. Finally looking at him with red eyes, and tears streaming down his face.

"You have goals boyfriend, remember the dream you had... The dream you told me about... Oh h-how y-you looked s-so... h-happy talking about it." Pico wipping his tears with his shoulders. Keeping his composure again.

Policeman and ambulance team finally making their way in the school. Pico and Boyfriend can hear them coming from the corner of the wall.

"You can't have that dream... dating a murderer."

"I don't care P-Pico... I love you." Boyfriend said through his tears and shaking breath.
Another word that pulled a string in his heart, making Pico swiftly look away from him. Before slowly turning back at him, with an emotionless expression he could give him.
The Police seeing the scene and heading towards the duo.

"I don't love you... not anymore." His sentence broke Boyfriend, before. The policemen confiscated Pico's guns, and separating Pico and Boyfriend. Boyfriend crying and struggling out of the policemen's hold.
Screaming and crying out Pico's name, he knew who Pico was. And he knew that Pico did what he did to protect them.
Pico didn't kill out of fun, he killed out of fear.

AU NOTE: Hey guys I hope you enjoy this first chapter for I Remember. A Pico x Boyfriend fanfiction, if you do leave a comment or a like.

Thank you hugs and kisses

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