That's My Boyfriend

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It was 6am in the morning, Boyfriend was cuddled up under Pico. Wrapped in covers, it's been awhile since they both had a good sleep.
Their sleep was soon interrupted, by a loud bang on Pico's door. Startling both of them.

Pico quickly pulled a gun from under his pillow, holding Boyfriend close. Who was suffocating in his grip. Looking at the gun Pico armed himself with.

"You h-had a g-gun under your pillow?" Boyfriend asked, muffled against Pico's chest.

"Of course. I have weapons hiding everywhere. You don't know what could happen." He finally loosen his grip on Boyfriend. Boyfriend gasping for air.

Another bang came from Pico's Front door. Pico put a finger to his lips. Signaling Boyfriend to stay quiet, Pico got out the bed stealthily.
Putting on his boxers, opening his drawer to grab another gun. Making his way to leave the bedroom.

"Let me come with you." Boyfriend whispered, Pico shock his head no. Giving boyfriend a quick peck on the lips.

"It'll be kind of hard to walk don'tcha think?" Pico smirked at Boyfriend. Making him blush.

"B-But I don't want to be alone... I can walk." Boyfriend looked at Pico with pleading eyes.

He knew Pico had a hard time rejecting his cute puppy eyes. Pico biting his lips, before finally giving in.

"Fuck! Your lucky your ass is cute. Just stay close to me." Boyfriend smiled happily, Pico rolled his eyes. Helping Boyfriend out the bed.

Boyfriend had to admit, his were like noodles. And his ass was stinging. Putting his boxers, and Pico's shirt.
Which was too big for him, mainly because Pico's physique and height. Pico had nicely toned muscles, boyfriend had the pleasure of touching, he knew the stuff Pico did for a living.
Required him to stay in shape, if wanted to get the job done right.

Their was another bang, until someone broke the door open. Granite it was dark in the apartment, because it was late.
Pico and Boyfriend poked their head out.

Pico saw three shadowy figures walking around, he could barely make their voices out.
Pico saw one of them take out a weapon slowly heading down the hall. Where Pico and Boyfriend was, Pico quickly shot the gun out of their.

Pico came out shooting the shadowy figures, the three dodging. He heard to girls screaming and a boy grunting.

"Pico it's just us." A familiar voice said. Pico quickly turned on the light, and noticed it was Darnell, Nene, and Girlfriend.

"Girlfriend!?" Boyfriend peeking from behind Pico.

"WHY THE FUCK YALL BANGING AND BREAKING MY DAMN DOOR!" Pico kept his guns to the side.

"Why didn't you answer your fucking phone!" All three yelled back. Pico and Boyfriend was going to speak, but realized they didn't have a good excuse for that.
They totally neglected their phones for the whole day, to lost on other things.

"Whose that shorty standing behind you?" Nene asked with a bit of sass in her tone.

"That shorty is My Boyfriend."

There was a long silence as everyone looked at Pico shocked. Along with Boyfriend. Since they never discuss the status of their relationship.

Girlfriend was chasing Boyfriend around, poking at his hickey's. Making him do beeping sounds every time it's poked.

Pico, was on the balcony with his friends smoking.

"You know you guys are going to have to pay for the damn door you broke right?" Pico looked at them both.

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