38. Insurmountable

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    By the time Azriel finished sending out messengers and reached Windhaven, the war camp was already prepared for battle. He scanned the ranks of warriors, searching for his brothers. Azriel found Rhys standing near Jorah.

    "Cassian took Gwyn and Emerie to spread the word to the other camps," Rhys explained. "They'll be getting back soon." Azriel crossed his arms with a nod. "Jorah."

    "Yes?" She straightened at once.

    "You'll lead the grounded Illyrians when we reach Hybern. They trust you and I know you'll do well."

    Jorah's eyes widened. "I...thank you."

    "Does she get a title and rank?" Azriel asked.

    Rhys gave Jorah a sideways grin. "Cassian picked it out, so if you don't like it, blame him." Jorah bit her lip excitedly. "General of the Illyrian Infantry."

    "It sounds very professional," Jorah chuckled. "I like it."

    "Also known as General of the Harpies," Rhys finished. Jorah raised an eyebrow. "That was Devlon's addition."

    "Of course." Jorah rolled her eyes and turned away. Azriel saw a hint of color in her cheeks as she did.

    They waited another hour before Cassian returned with Gwyn and Emerie. Devlon emerged from his hut. "The camps are ready. They'll take off when we do," Cassian reported to Rhys.

    Rhys sighed. "Then let's go. We should have a campsite set up before the others arrive. We'll need a place to treat the wounded." He faced the gathered Illyrians and began to call orders.

    Azriel tuned him out as the shadows pulled his attention to Jorah and Devlon. The shadows remained quiet and Azriel listened. "General of the Harpies?" Jorah huffed. "I'm not sure if I should be insulted or honored."

    "That depends on how you define harpy," Devlon replied. His hazel eyes remained impassive as he looked her over.

    "And how would you define it?"

    Devlon smirked and lowered his voice. "A beautiful and devastating predator."

    Cassian appeared beside Azriel. "Tell me I did not just hear Devlon flirting with my little sister," he growled.

    "It's better than him degrading her," Azriel replied.

    "I'm not sure I agree." Cassian glowered at Devlon as he walked past. Jorah joined her warriors and Cassian fell in place beside her.

    Rhys nodded to Azriel. The Illyrian Legion took off, headed by Rhys and Devlon. Azriel let his shadows expand across the remaining warriors. He measured his breaths, already feeling the strain of transporting so many people. The shadows grew thick around them. When they cleared, Azriel stood once more in Hybern.

    Cassian began shouting orders and the Illyrians were quick to obey. Tents were erected. Medical supplies were stashed in a few of them. Weapon racks, armor supplies, and makeshift smithies were put into place.

    Azriel flew up onto a stone mesa and examined the landscape. This part of Hybern was nothing but despairing stone. The ground was gray. The sky was a dim blue. The sunlight was cold. A few flakes of snow swirled down from the clouds overhead.

    There would be very little cover for the ground forces. Only crumbling bits of the mesas provided sustainable cover. Azriel scanned the skies once more. Drakon never mentioned whether the Vanth could fly or not, he thought. If they can't, we might have some advantages. Of course, Koschei could always create winged creatures from the Cauldron as well.

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