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Type Geller the only son of James Geller is the sweet but really naughty boy ...James loves him more than anything in this world and for Type also James is everything...

Type misses his mom coz mom always stays away from home due to work and James takes care of Type alone..but when James's business starts losing its profits James also gets busy with his work and now Type was ignored by both of his parents...Type has become a spoiled brat ...whatever he asked he gets it coz no one has time to see whether the Type is asking for genuine things or not...

One day James came home and declared that he is going back to Thailand due to which Type and James had a big fight too, Type didn't want to go to Thailand but James said his business is at loss and he don't have things to lose....

Type: asked so many times why mom is not coming with us but every time James answered that mom can't leave her work but soon she will come back wrapping her things...currently Type's mom is in a different city..she went for a temporary project....Type sometimes gets a chance to talk to his mom but most of the time she remains busy...

Type somehow agrees to go without his mom...that was the last week for Type and James in that country..James has started wrapping up things one by one like Type's school, packing their luggage and selling their house and business..according to James they are moving back to the place where Jame's grandparents live and this all will take one more week to settle then they are good to go..Though Type was really sad about leaving his home, friends, and his favorite place so James asked him to go for a ride...

Type never knew that this would be the last ride with his dad... They were returning from a good dinner and ice cream treat when a truck lost control and hit James's car... When James saw a Truck near his car and he couldn't do anything to stop this then he used his body as a human shield to protect the most precious person in his life...his son...

The accident was so deadly that the chances of survival are really less but when the cops come and rescue the two both were breathing....

The situation of James was really bad, he looks like he can lose his breath at any moment but still, he was holding it... Maybe he is still breathing coz he is waiting for someone... And when the doctor declared it was hard to save him as his bones, ribs, and few organs are terribly damaged, James somehow asked the doctor to buy him some time and asked to inform his brother....

James is barely breathing and his eyes are waiting to see one person...

Whereas Tharn is coming for his brother, hoping to see him again like before.... He was already feeling guilty about not informing James about his visit to Seattle as he knew that his schedule is too tight to meet his brother but he promised himself that after setting up the Seattle business he will plan a trip to Georgia to meet his brother but he never knew that he has to go to meet his brother like this...

After a few hours, Tharn reached the hospital to see his brother...

Tharn: Cried river to see his brother in this condition, I am sorry Jammy that I couldn't be here to protect you...

James: who is barely breathing, ask Tharn to let him speak, Tharn I know that now I can't survive but before dying I have to tell you something...

Tharn and James talked and James asked tharn to take Type with him, and take care of him....

After 2 days....

Type: Type was unconscious for 2 days after the accident and after 2 days when he opened his eyes and found himself in the hospital...he felt pain but he remembered that he and his dad met with an accident...he looked here and there for his dad but he couldn't find him...he somehow get up from bed to look for his dad...but when he move few steps he feel weak and his vision got blurry, he was about to fall when someone catches him....

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