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Tharn really wanted to see Type..he moved out and saw Type on the staircase..he kept looking at the younger before Type can enter his room Tharn called his name TYPE..younger stopped ...tharn stepped onto the stairs and move towards Type..

Type saw Tharn coming towards him so he asked... yes Sir...

Tharn: Didn't answer instead he ran and hugged Type..

Type: Sir leave me...what are you doing...But Tharn didn't say anything he just squeezed Type more in his arms...

Type tried a lot to get out of that hold but Tharn didn't allow Type to get out...

Type: pleasee Leave me... Pleasee...

Tharn: I am sorry ... I am so so sorry...Type you are not servant here, this is your house, you are the young master for them and you will always be their young master till I am alive did you get that...

Type: No...No....leave me....Type is trying to be strong but after hearing this he started melting, and his voice started getting shaky, Why.. 😭😭 why are you saying sorry 🥺🥺 I am the one who should apologize... You should scold me, punish me, talk rudely with me, or don't even talk to me...let me be alone that's what I deserve...

Tharn: Took Type towards bed... And make him sit... How Can I be so cruel to you Type... I know you didn't do anything intentionally.... I am the idiot one here... How can I leave you alone to deal with all this... I should make you understand that you misunderstood the situation, I should tell you the truth long back.. I am sorry na....

Type: Cried cried and cried... I want my dadda.... Sir, please bring my dad na ... I miss him....

After crying for a long Tharn somehow make Type quiet...

Tharn: Come let's eat, I am feeling hungry....

Type: I am not hungry...

Tharn: yes you are?? Now come down with me else I will also not eat...

Tharn didn't leave any choice with Type so Type has to come down but instead of sitting at the dining table, he moves towards the kitchen..Type took three slices of bread and sit on the chair inside the kitchen to eat... He was about to take a bite when he saw Tharn also sitting on the other chair... He also took three slices of bread...All the servants started looking at them...

Maria: Sir, why are you eating this, I have prepared your breakfast.... Tharn didn't answer Maria's question and filled one of the glasses with water... Maria again said Sir please you won't be able to eat this ....

Tharn: I can, when I left my father's home I used to eat this... I know it will be difficult to swallow this but I know I can do it...

Type: who is listening to all this holds Tharn's hand ....What are you doing?? Please don't do this...

Tharn: why not?? When the owner of this house and the only heir of all this property can eat this then I can also eat it...now I will eat whatever you will eat, I will sleep wherever you will sleep, I will do whatever you do....

Type: No, I am not the heir, it all belongs to you, not to my father...I am just a servant here...

Tharn: Then I am servant too... He claps his hands to get the attention of all... From now on whatever young master will eat, serve me the same things...

Type: no... You can't eat that...

Tharn: why??

Type: coz it will hurt your throat... It's hard to eat ...

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