Reese was younger but smarter. He knew his stats and held his own each time we debated lineups and batting styles.

I felt the familiar creeping pain of grief clouding my breath and shut the box, letting out a long breath which only served to blow more dust in the room.

Come on, Remington. Shower first.

My mind was on auto pilot while I scrubbed the cobwebs from my hair and beard, itching at spider bites on my legs and wincing when I moved too fast and pulled my ribs. The hot water eased the pain in my back and shoulders but I still took one of my pain pills after changing into clean shorts and an old baseball tee shirt.

"What time should they be on the way here?" I startled at the sound of Kenny's voice when I came into the kitchen, gasping and clutching my chest.

He laughed at my reaction, "I'm sorry, bro!"

"No, you're fine! Just in my head now. It's about noon so they'll be here in a couple hours. She said early afternoon since they both had therapy then were going to do some baking for tonight." I explained, making my way to the fridge and rifling around for a good lunch idea. "I'm hungry and assuming you are also. Sandwiches okay?"

"Of course! Thanks!" Kenny joined me as I started grabbing cold cuts and condiments, finding a tomato and other veggies we could add along with some good sandwich bread.

We were quiet while we worked, putting together sandwiches and piling on all the fixings. I offered to cook up some bacon but he told me that wasn't needed.

I grabbed a bag of ruffled potato chips along with ranch dip and got settled at the table, massive sandwich and drink in front of me plus a bag of baby carrots so I could pretend I was being kind of healthy.

"Carrots?" Kenny laughed.

I chuckled, "It's more so I feel like I'm being healthy. One carrot for every few potato chips."

He laughed harder at my explanation, throwing his head back and patting his leg, "I am going to have to use that with Leah! She's always trying to get me to eat healthier but that would actually work on me!" Kenny grabbed a baby carrot and dunked it in the dip, "I'll even start off with a carrot, just to prove I'm serious!"

I shook my head at his antics, "I guess I'm learning balance from Lissy!"

We continued joking around, talking about basic get to know you questions like his upbringing and which baseball teams he liked best. It was casual and helped my anxiety go down just knowing this was a safe space where I didn't have to think about my dad dying.

Where I didn't have to dwell on the sadness constantly.

I needed those moments.

My phone buzzed while I was shoving another few chips in my mouth, distracting my attention from Kenny a moment. I noticed it was a photo from Alice and grinned, swiping to check.

ALICE: Remi, Peach is being so precious today!! She loves her little stuffed pig doll that Daisy bought her at the pet store!

Attached was a photo of Peach curled up on Benji's bed with his white comforter, pig toy between her paws. I audibly sighed and said, "Awwww." before turning my phone to show Kenny.

His eyes lit up, grin shining on his tan face as he wiped his mouth a moment before responding.   "She just loves you guys. We knew the minute she walked into the yard that day that she was at her forever home."

I texted Lissy back a moment letting her know how much we loved the photo. Our messages were minimal today mostly because of how busy we both needed to be.

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