Jay was on his break so he was enjoying a nice cup of coffee when his phone rang.
Jay: "hello"
Olivia: "jay it's rue and Mia, she called me and then I..."
Jay: "woah liv, calm down I can't understand you"
Olivia: "there's a fire in mias apartment complex and they're still inside..."

Jays heart dropped, no no no, he can't be hearing this right.
Jay: "I'm gonna grab my stuff and come meet you, is there anyone there yet?"
Olivia: "no, no they uh, they said squads 5 minutes out. Jay it's getting bad..."
Jay: "whatever you do, just wait for help liv..."
Olivia: "..."
Jay: "liv, don't you dare..."
Olivia: "I have to..."
Jay: "Olivia stay where you are..."
Olivia: "sorry..."

He closed his car door as Olivia hung up, sh*t. He slammed his fist onto the dashboard in fear then immediately sped off without even putting his seatbelt on. Sure he wanted to save his daughter too, but running into a burning building to do so was absurd, he can't lose them both, he just can't.

Olivia waited until no one was looking then made a beeline for the front entrance, surprisingly, she made it inside easily but then the smoke hit her. Right now, that's not important, rue and Mia are, so she covered her mouth with her jacket and ran for the stairs. She quickly made her way up the stairs as it got harder to breath, the smoke was darkening the higher she climbed. She stopped on the 6th floor since that was mias floor but she soon had a shock when she realised that the 6th floor was the fires origin. She flinched as a flame reached out for her when the fire escape door opened, she grit her teeth and made her way down the hallway which was stuffed with unbearable heat and scorching flames. She cried out in pain as she felt her arm burn a little but she ignored it once rues cries became audible.

                      She squinted to see ahead of her then without thought dived through the flame to reach rue and Mia, "alright baby, I know, I know, it's okay..." she immediately took her jacket off and fully wrapped the tiny body in it.  Mia was already gasping for air, "are you hurt? Can you walk?" She held rue away from the chaos.  Mia nodded and slid her back up the door, "good, on my count we're gonna run okay?" Olivia took a deep breath and used her other hand to support Mia.  The babysitter nodded, "1...2...3..." Olivia huffed then quickly lead the way as she made sure rue was safe along with Mia.  She could feel the burn on her arm along with a cut on her cheek she'd received from the falling debris but she ignored it for rues sake.

Jay jumped out of his truck immediately and pushed his way through the devastated crowd until he was at the front, "you haven't seen a woman about this tall with brown hair anywhere have you? um, she'll have been wearing a police badge, really stubborn..." he asked the woman nearest to him. The woman thought about it, "yes, I have actually, I tried to stop her but she ran inside about 5 minutes ago..." she nodded and clutched her chest.  Jay nodded then ran his hand through his hair, his nerves were all over the place as the flames got bigger.  The fire service had only just arrived and there was about 5 ambos on sight already, it looked bad.

                 Olivia groaned in pain as a piece of metal fell from the ceiling and sliced her arm, unfortunately it was right over the burn so it just added to the pain.  Once they were at the bottom of the stairs the door was in sight, she could feel rue crying and wriggling around but at least she was safe under Olivia's jacket.  A gust of wind blew in their faces as they finally ran out of the building.

                      Jay paced back and forth until he saw them, there they were, Olivia might have been crazy for running into a burning building but she saved them both.  A paramedic immediately took care of mia as she crumbled to the floor but Olivia ran straight over to jay.  He sighed in relief as he enveloped the pair into a tight hug, "you scared me so much..." he spoke shakily and without thought planted mini kisses on Olivia's head. Olivia coughed but nodded and pulled her now ruined jacket off of rue to reveal an untouched child, "shhhh, it's okay..." jay took rue from Olivia's arms. Thankfully rue was okay and fine, just very upset and scared, Olivia was a little scared but she could let it show in front of rue.

Brett saw rue and ran over to her, "let's get her checked out just in case" she nodded. Jay caught his breath back and willingly handed his daughter over, he was about to follow her over to the ambo but once he turned around again and saw Olivia nearly on the floor, he drew his attention to her, "I need help over here!" He called out and crouched down with her, "it's okay, you're okay..." he helped her sit down, but then he saw it, the huge cut and burn on her arm, his heart shattered as the paramedics took over and began helping Olivia.  Olivia shook of their advice, "I'm fine, I'm fine. I can manage..." she stood up and wandered over to jay who was stood with rue, it turns out rue inhaled a bit of smoke so she needs to go to med in case it gets serious.

                       Jay looked to his side, "liv... you need help" he shook his head.  Olivia shook her head, "I'm fine..." she shook her head again.  Brett looked at jay, "you're not fine, and you're coming to med" he corrected her.  Olivia nodded, "Is she okay?" She looked at rue.  Brett nodded, "she's fine, but your arms making me a little worried, now sit" she pulled a face.  Jay nodded in agreement but he knows how stubborn Olivia can be, "c'mon, you can both ride in the back. I need to dress that cut too" Brett put the gurney into the back.  Both adults nodded and hopped inside, Mackey was driving. Brett set the oxygen mask onto rues face and left her to sleep it off, jay was focused on Olivia more than rue right now since she was more injured but of course Olivia was only focused on rue and jay.

                     Jay could see that Olivia was deep in thought as she stared at rue in worry, so he placed a finger on the side of her cheek and made her look at him, "what you did back there was incredibly stupid, never do anything like that again. But, thank you..." he whispered the end part.  Olivia hadn't faulted her expression once, she didn't even feel like she was on earth, "understood?" He furrowed his brows.  Olivia nodded but kept the worried look on her face, Brett looked around, "this might hurt, sorry in advance liv" she sighed.  Olivia just nodded and looked back down at rue, as Brett began cleaning the burn Olivia felt nothing, maybe she was still in shock or maybe she was just desensitised to injuries by now, either way she felt nothing. 

                    Jay could visibly see that Olivia was thinking about something from the look on her face, but he knows how high her walls are built up, even with the people she's closest to, so he said nothing and with his spare hand grabbed Olivia's also spare hand supportively.  He realised whatever Olivia was thinking about was serious when she never even looked at him, she just continued staring at rue as if no one else was there.  Everyone was snapped out of thought when the ambo stopped since it was now at med.

Irreplaceable On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara