Enemies to... littles? -Part 1- (Tommy, Dream, Ranboo & Tubbo)

Start from the beginning

  I pulled my sword out and held it in front of me as I walked into the cave. But what I saw next, made me put my sword down immediately. Tommy and Dream were both sitting on the cave floor, Tommy had fallen asleep with his thumb in his mouth and Dream was sitting curled up on a ball against the wall eyes half closed. I could hear Dream babble something to himself and I knew that he was in little space.

  I knew that Tommy was a little, Tubbo was his caregiver so he kind of had to know. But Dream? I had no idea. I carefully stepped towards sleeping Tommy and placed a hand on his shoulder. He was clearly exhausted and had been pushing his headspace away for awhile. Tommy flinched awake and stared at Ranboo with big glossed over eyes.

   "I'm sowwy, I'm sowwy Boo! I didn mean to be wittle boy but I accidentally did and now Dweam's thewe and I should've taken him back to pwison" Tommy stuttered and he sounded almost like he was chocking on his words. "Hey hey, it's ok. You don't have to apologize for being a little boy, you can always be a little when you want to" I tried calming him down and ran my hand down his arm.

   "Weally?" Tommy asked quietly and stared at him with wide eyes. "Really" I nodded and hugged him tightly. "But we do need get you two out of here" I said and looked over at Dream. I walked over to the prisoner. As soon as he saw me, he immediately got on his knees and tried to get me to pick him up.

   "Boo! Boo!" He babbled and looked at me with a stressed look on his face. I tenssed up a bit, I didn't really like him touching me. "Don't touch me" I said quietly and slapped his hand. Dream's eyes widened and he looked at me with such a sad and mortified look on his face. Dream started bawling his eyes out and looked so tiny right then and there that it made me feel kinda bad for him.

  I realized that if I was now mean to him, I wasn't mean to the monsters that caused chaos all over the world, but I was mean to this really tiny kid with only happy things in mind and no way to harm anyone. So, I kneeled down in front of him and grabbed his hand.

  "Hey look, I'm sorry for being mean. I know you must feel really stressed out right now. But I didn't come to hurt you, I came to help you" I whispered quietly and stroked his cheek with my thumb, swiping the tears away. Dream's lower lip was still trembling a bit as he listened to my comforting words. "Do you accept my apology?" I asked softly and looked him into the eyes.

  "Is otay" Dream mumbled and then I took him into a hug that he gladly accepted. "Ok, now we need to get moving. Sam won't took this situation so lightly, no one else can see us" I told them. I'm so glad I took a horse with me. I carried both of them one by one on the horse's back and started walking by the horse. It was gonna be a long way to Snowchester.


-No ones POV-
The two littles looked like they were absolutely freezing. They were both shaking and their lips were starting to get a blue'ish color. Ranboo knocked on the door of his and Tubbo's cabbin. Tubbo came to answer the door with holding Michael on his hip. "What. The. Fuck" Tubbo said as he saw the two littles sitting on the horse.

  "I couldn't just leave them there, Tommy was really exhausted and Dream has been in a really stressed state for probably days!" I quietly yelled to Tubbo as I saw that Michael was half asleep, holding onto his other dad. "I of course understand Tommy but Dream!" Tubbo said and pointed at the prisoner.

   "He's deep in baby space, I can't just throw him back to the prison!" I quietly yelled again as I picked Dream up and placed him on my hip like Tubbo was holding Michael. Tommy crawled off from the horse and stumbled after me as I carried Dream inside and on my bed. "Nooo!" He whined as I let go of him.

    "It's ok, I'm gonna come back soon" I said and ruffled his hair. Tubbo had already taken Michael back to bed and was now carrying Tommy and placed him on his bed. Tubbo looked at Dream who bundled onto a little ball and started sucking on his thumb. "Ok you're right, we can't just throw him into prison in that state" Tubbo nodded with a sigh.

   "Thank you Bee" I said and kissed my husband's cheek slightly. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a sippy cup and a bottle. I warmed up some milk, poured it into the separate cups and carried them to the bedroom. "Give this to Tommy please" I asked Tubbo and gave the sippy cup to him. "Of course" he nodded.

   "Hi little one, you look pretty tired" Tubbo cooed as he pulled Tommy on his lap and gave the sippy cup to the little. He started drinking it immediately as Tubbo combed through his hair. Ranboo himself picked Dream up and placed him onto his lap. Dream didn't even want to pick up the bottle and made Ranboo feed it to him.

   Dream ate it so quickly, he probably hadn't eaten in a week or so. After the littles finished their drinks, both of them fell asleep. "We have to tell Sam about Dream tomorrow" Tubbo whispered and looked at his husband. Ranboo just nodded as he combed through Dream's hair.

Omg this was a longer chapter than usually!

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