Bailey hits his back. "Get off me." George finally breaks the hug. He smiles at the other interns. Bailey shrugs off the hug. An ambulance can be heard approaching.

"Uh Yang, Karev, Grey, Jensen stay here and wait for the incoming case. O'Malley page Addison Shepherd." Bailey says. George nods and moves back into the hospital. "Stevens get a wheelchair."

"A wheelchair?" Izzie asks.

"A wheelchair." Bailey confirms.

George dashes back to Bailey while Izzie goes into the hospital. "What shall I tell Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd?"

Bailey turns to Alex, Cristina, Evi and Meredith. "What did I say?" They move off to meet the ambulance.

"Dr. Bailey?" George asks.

"What?" She asks.

"What do you want me to tell Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd when she answers her page?"

Izzie comes with a wheelchair. A large gushing sound is heard. Both Bailey and George look down at Bailey's feet. George takes a step back shocked and Izzie has a large oh my god look on her face.

"Tell her my contractions are 10 minutes apart and my water just broke all over your shoes." She moves past him to get to the wheelchair. George attempts to lift her into the wheelchair. "Uh, boy get off me."


Burke enters a trauma room with the patient James Carlson. You can hear his wife screaming from far. A paramedic is there with her arm plugging the wound. Evi is checking James' heart rate. There are other nurses and doctors in there as well, including the other paramedic who helped Mindy Carlson out of the ambulance.

"How's his respiratory effort?" Burke asks Evi.

"Absent breast sounds on the right side. Air bubbling on the side of the wound. He's shocky and getting a little cyanotic." She says.

Burke moves to check the heart rate.

"My wife is..." James mumbles.

His wife is still crying and screaming loudly.

"Let's get him intubated and place an occlusive dressing over the wound." Burke says to a Nurse.

"And who are you?" He asks the paramedic with her hand in his chest.

"Hannah. Hannah Davies." She says.

"Hannah, why do you have your hand inside my patient?" Burke asks.

"I'd like to say for the record that I told her not to." The other paramedic says.

"I tried to tamponade the wound with gauze and pressure but the only thing that would stop the bleeding was my hand. Every time I tried to move it he starts bleeding out." She explains. Burke checks the wound. "Can I take my hand out now?"

"You don't stick your hand inside of a patient when you don't know how he was injured. You don't stick your hand inside of a patient at all." The other paramedic says.

"Yeah, I know that now!" Hannah snaps.

Out of my room." Burke tells the man.

"She gets to stay?" He complains.

"She has her hand stuck inside my patient."

Hannah smirks at the Paramedic guy who looks annoyed but he leaves the room. Hannah: "Nice. Thanks." She says.

"Oh don't get happy. You have your finger on a major bleeder. Mr. Carlson is running out of time. The only thing that you've won is an all expense paid trip to the OR." Burke says. He turns to Evi. "Dr. Jensen, prepare to transport her to the OR."

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