The Wolf's Reunion - Shapeshifter!Innit - DSMP

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(Go stream "Under the Weather" and the other underrated songs by derivakat immediately, cause I know someone is reading these)

Once again, unfinished. But still,

The long awaited reunion!

"Tommy why are you following me?" He asked, "Because Wilbur is being a bitch, Techno is missing, and Tubbo and Ranboo are doing something with Las Nevadas, and everyone else would yell at me for following them." Tommy explained bitterly, "Fair enough." Phil shrugged, and continued walking the path, "Why are we in the woods?" Tommy asked, ducking to avoid a treebranch smacking him in the face,

"Because I wanted to visit an old place." The shorter blonde smiled, leading the taller through the woods. "Oh, okay, if ya say so."

The two exited into a clearing in the forest, right in the middle of the clearing was a cottage, Tommy made a loud "oh!" sound as he realized where they were, "The cottage, we haven't been here in years!" The taller ran off, first towards the cottage, then off in another direction, "Tommy, you don't know these woods like-!" Phil wasn't able to finish, the younger was already gone, "I do.. Well, it seemed like he knew where he was going, so I should trust that."

Phil went to the cottage, and examined it's condition, it seemed like it was kept in condition, even after the five years they've been gone for, "Who's been taking care of this?" He wondered.

"Hey, what are you doing out here? The nearest village isn't for miles!" Someone said behind him, he jumped, turning around, "The same could be asked to you." Phil responded, "But ah, I'm here because I'm visiting an spot of mine."

"I'm here because I live out here, you don't seem to have a good alibi for being at my house."

Well that explains who's been keeping this place alive. Phil thought, closing his wings, "I'm not even here to cause harm, I'm simply exploring the old woods I used to live in." He said, his eyes wandering to the direction Tommy went, I hope he's having better luck then I am.

"That's what all harm-causers say." The person growled, raising a sword, "Woah woah, calm down mate!" Phil exclaimed, raising his hands in a 'I surrender' action, or in this case, 'I don't mean harm' action. Though the person clearly had no thought at him actually being peaceful, The people he comes across must be shit, can't blame him.

He had a sword, but it hadn't been healed so if it were to be used to fight it would probably break in half, so he wouldn't use his sword as that would end badly, he left his axe at home, and there's no way he could get away with a bow and arrow this close to the person. So what would he even fight with? His hands?

Well seems he'll have to use either an arrow or his hands to fight, because the person was already going at him. Shit.

Phil jumped away from the sword's strike, if his wings were healed enough he would fly away, but they were still too injured from the 16th to fly. "I'm not here to hurt you or your home!" He yelled,

He jumped away again this time he landed square on a rock and fell over, he saw the person aiming for a sword swipe that was bound to hit, so he covered his face with his wings and waited for the pain of a sword cutting through his wings, he heard a faraway "Dadza! Look out!" From Tommy.

The impact never came

What the fuck? He questioned in his mind, so he cautiously moved his wings and what did he see?

A large grey wolf, with sky-blue eyes had the sword in it's mouth, a fairly deep cut on it's side that was dripping with blood, 'Don't you dare hurt my friend!' The wolf growled, dropping the sword and biting the person, "AH! A wolf!" The person yelped, and ran.

"Wolf?" He asked warily, holding out a hand to the wolf, it yipped happily, 'Hello friend!' The wolf sat down, "Hello Wolf, I've missed you so much!" Phil cried, hugging his old friend as time seemed to pause for just a moment to let the winged one enjoy the fur of his old friend.

'As much as I have missed you, it's hard to miss you.' Wolf barked, as much as it made Phil bitter, he understood, "Yeah, you've probably become a pack alpha and therefore have to keep it in order, which has got to be difficult."

'Not really.. I'll explain why in a moment, can you fix my cut?' Wolf asked him.

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