Map of the World - Hermitcraft s6 AU

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I gift to you, more Hermitcraft shenanigans! :D

"Grian and Xelqua compile a map of the world of and outside of hermitcraft"
That is the prompt for today. I made it up on the spot so I could have some sort of prompt for this

AU - Grian and Xelqua are twins, Xelqua is the eldest by 6 minutes and they are teenagers. Xelqua is a mystery to the hermits, as is Grian's horns.


/Following characters "Xelqua"and "Grian"\

Grian sat on the top of his tallest tower, enjoying the early morning sun, the stars were still slightly visible, it would take a while for everyone else to wake up. So Grian was up here instead of doing something else, because there was no one to annoy. Besides, the wind and cool air is nice

"Grian!" Someone yelled behind him, scaring the heck out of him and he almost fell over, "Oh my gods, what was that for?!" He shouted, turning to look behind him, and no one was there, "I know you're there, Xel." He said, standing up "Aw man, you caught me!" Xelqua said, drinking milk and becoming visible again. Xelqua the same dirty blonde that Grian has, but he has hazel eyes instead of green ones.

"Pffhl." Xelqua stuck out his tongue, "I'm bored, what can we do today?" He asked, "Well we could do something with the map, you do have it right?" Grian turned to his brother, "Oh, I have them! Here." Xel said, placing down a cream color shulker box, inside of it was parchment marked with forests and lakes and rivers and fields, all the maps they've made so far, "We need to do something with them, we've got.. 5 chunks of map made so far, we could probably make a map of the whole world!" Grian hopped excitedly, "Good idea! But where?" The hazel-eyed boy asked, "Wellll.." Grian thought, "We could put it here." He pointed at the edge of one of the maps. Xelqua agreed to it, and off they were

After gathering recourses, building, food and more maps they were back atop of the talked spire tower thing, "Ready?" Grian asked,

"Armor and weapons?" Xelqua asked, "Yep."

"Two stacks of golden carrots?" Grian asked, "Got them."

"Multiple shulkers of building blocks?" Grian nodded, placing the brown and grey shulkers.

"Empty parchment for maps?" Xelqua placed the cream shulker of empty maps.

"Then we're ready!" Grian shouted happily, picking up the building shulkers, Xel picked up the map ones, turning around and falling off the edge of the tower, Xelqua jumped after him. Once they were close to the water they turned and spread their wings, going up back to the sky, "We've already got a map of the main hermitcraft area." Xelqua yelled, flying closer to his brother, "Huh? Oh yeah, we do!" Grian shouted back to him.

"We don't want to end up like Icarus do we?" Grian had once commented when Xel had gone to close to the water, "Icarus was an idiot. He should have listened to Daedalus about straying too close to the sun." He had replied. "I agree, Icarus was dumb, but hey, at least our wings aren't made of wax, nor will they burn under too much open sunlight.. unless we end up above the atmosphere somehow, is that even possible?" Grian had wondered, "I don't think anyone's ever tested it, but I don't feel like doing it either."

"We're almost there!" Xelqua yelled to his brother, watching the figure on the enchanted map get larger as they approached the location. As they watched the water below them change to ground, they changed trajectory to up, and avoided hitting a tree, "That was close." Grian said, sighing in relief "Well, we reached the area, now, where should we build it? It has to be pretty small, so no random hermit finds it, but we can have a large fancy basement for the map!" He said, Xelqua agreed with that, especially since he'd probably be the one staying there the most, having the most cartography skill and that.

"Gri, what about over here?" Xelqua said, flying above a section of land not covered in trees. "Perfect! We can build here, come on." Grian landed, closing his light purple feathery wings.

It took a lot of arguing about design and destroying blocks, but they eventually agreed on building a sort of library, filled with maps they'd find on treasure hunts and the ones they get from villagers. Of course this isn't the one that would hold their map of the world, they were currently working on hollowing out the ground under the library to make the room the map of the world would be. Right below the library.

"The original design plan was way better." Xelqua said bitterly, sitting down on the library's roof, "Oh please, that design was ugly as heck." Grian stated, spreading his wings to prove a point, "Agree to disagree?" Xelqua asked, holding out a hand, "Agree to disagree." Gri said, and they shook hands, "So, now we can build the basement?" Xel asked, "Yep! Come on let's go under the library." And so they did, building a staircase down as they went.

"Anddd..." Xelqua said as he put the last map on the wall, "There, the Hermitcraft map is there. Now we can start working on the map of the world outside of it!" He said excitedly, stepping back from the wall, "Yay!" Grian hopped, his wings spreading happily, "Calm down demon-boy. We still have more map to make!"

"Yeah yeah." Grian rolled his eyes, "Come on Xel, we should get back to the base, the Hermits will get worried if we're.. Well, I'm not back by tomorrow, and it's already midnight!" He said, running up the stairs and out the door, Xelqua followed him. The two spread their wings and left the ground.

They glided through the clouds, flapping their wings every now and again to keep above the clouds. The stars were so clear up here, and the constellations were easy to pick out, "If only it could always be night." Grian said, doing a flip in the air, "But of course I wouldn't do that!" He said, "Pfft, a demon like you would totally do that." Xelqua said, half jokingly, Grian looked mock-offended "You're the true demon, but of course, you happened to be a Watcher instead."

//One more oneshot, and an entire AU will be completed.\\
//Time to go binge watch Evo now-\\

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