Michael's Days - Dream SMP

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Semi-inspired by the godly animatic by @E n t i f a m on YouTube!

Michael has ADHD

"Chicken!" Michael yelled, jumping out of bed, "It's morning!" He walked up to his chicken friend's nest, where the white hen was starting to wake up, "Good morning! I'll get you your food." He said, patting his friend on her swim the head, and then walking off to the shelf, where a pack of birdseed sat a quarter empty, many books were in the shelf, and even more were stored in other shelves around the room, "Here your food!" Michael said, pouring some seed into the bowl Chicken ate out of.

"So, what do we do first? Clean up? Or should we read? Or draw? Or we could try something new?" He asked his friend, "Hmm, yeah, I'm sure there's some room on the wall left! If not, we can find a way to put our drawings on the ceiling!" He yelled energetically, going to his pack of paper, which he'd need to ask his dads to refill soon, "What do we draw?" He looked down at the chicken at his heel, "Oo, good idea!" He said, sitting down his his crayons and pencil and started drawing.

He drew, and drew, and drew until he was finally finished, at first glance it may seem like a splotch of colors, with no superb artwork there at all, but if you looked close enough, you could see a forest, a forest of color, and a hive of bees on one of the trees, and little purple alliums at the base of the bee tree. And a purple disc at at the base of the tree, with the alliums, it was a very detailed piece if you looked close!

"It's mydads and Uncleinnit!" Michael said happily, pinning it up on the wall in one of the free spaces, then covering it back up with the white wall curtains that were really bright when the light reflected off of them, "One day, when the whole wall is filled, we'll show everyone my art!" He oinked excitedly, petting Chicken

"Hmm, do you want to read something? I'm sure there's a good book in my shelves somewhere." He said, walking up to the shelves stocked with books, although they were mostly piglet stories.

"Tangled" Michael read the story's title, "Oh?" He cocked his head, on the cover was a blonde girl with very long hair, "Chicken come here, I think I found a good book for us to read!" Michael went over and sat on his bed, Chicken sat down next to him, "The story of a girl who longs for freedom from her tower?" He read the back.

He and his chicken friend read through to the halfway point in the book, before they got tired of reading, "I like Rapunzel! She's my favorite!" He said, putting it in his shelf of 'Improtant Boks', that he had labeled himself a year before he could actually spell in English correctly. Now he could spell in correctly, however he still couldn't speak it, it's hard to speak it, especially when you've been using Piglin tongue your whole life.

"At least you can understand me. Right?" He said to his chicken, well of course she could understand him, or else he would have been talking to nothing for most of his life.

"I'm gonna try and sew! Papa tells me all about it when he comes over with a new outfit!" Michael stated, moving on from the topic, running to grab some random fabric from things Papa had brought him, but had fallen apart soon after. A soft, warm burgundy fabric, and a fluffy peach-colored fabric, "Hmm.." he thought about what he'd try to make...

After a lot of consideration he just decided to try and make a simple plushie, since it's his first time sewing, "Now, to find a needle." He looked around, everything here was safe for a small child, but Michael was smart, and would be able to find something.

Michael wasn't able to find anything, so he gave up on the sewing idea, it wasn't one of those periods of week where his dads wouldn't visit him, so he wouldn't be able to escape his room to find something in the basement and return safely.

"Chicken, when do you think I'll be able to safely leave the home?" He asked, staring out the window, "Oh! The crow!" He suddenly said, pointing at the crow perched on a nearby branch of a pine tree. "Can you understand me?" He asked, cocking his head, the bird chirped and nodded, "Thank you for visiting me every day!" Michael thanked the crow. Which bowed in the best way a bird could. Then it flew off again, into the snowy winds.

"When will my life begin..?"

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