The Voidlings - The End Dimension

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Ft - Phil, X, Ex, OSMP!Scott/Smajor, Eret, and two dragons!

This is very connected to the previous oneshot: "The Void"

Again, not proofread.

In the end, well the end you know, with stars in the purple sky and bland yellowy islands. Everyone knows this place, you must be extremely new to this world if you don't know what it is.

But below the islands, deep in the void, where no native Netherling or Overworldling could go.

There was a kingdom, ruled over by King and Queen Void, and their two twin sons who are to inherit the throne together, XiSuma and Xavion.

Their right hand, Herobrine, and his child, Eret, who had the same whited out eyes as his father had, and some of the glItCh powers her father had as well

The duo of Scott and Philza, who liked to prank the kingdom all the time.

"Scott!" He called, running through the backstreets to his star-covered friend, "I found two dragon eggs!" He said, putting the two eggs down, "Wha- where did you even get them?" Scott asked, "The bedrock portal on the big island, there were four of em, but I only took two so the end wouldn't be without a protector one day!" Dragon eggs were known to always hatch, no matter the situation, so the winged boy had taken two of them, "We can raise the dragons and give them the love our parents never did."

"That's a cool idea, I'd be down, we just need to find a place to keep them." His starry friend said, reminding him that the dragons wouldn't like being around a whole kingdom of voidlings.

"I found an abandoned flying ship pretty far away, we could keep them there!" He suggested, "Oh, I like that idea! Bring me there." He nodded, but first he handed one of the dragon eggs to the purple twilight boy, then he led Scott through the back alleys to the edge of the floating city.

He jumped off and waited in the air for Scott to join him, the twilight boy jumped and hovered off the ground and then joined him in the air, "Can we tell X, Ex, and Eret about the dragon eggs?" Scott asked as he followed him through the void, "No way, they'd tell they're parents in an instant. Maybe not Eret and Ex, but X definitely. And Ex tells his brother everything." He rolled his eyes, flapping his wings to speed up as the duo approached the abandoned ship, Scott summoned a star-blast to speed him up

"Welcome to the S.S. Short for Silver Spire. An old abandoned ship that was used to explore the void, although now it's been left behind due to more advanced ships being created." The sea of color and stars was splashing over the edge of the boat every now and again.

"Ooh, it's very fancy!" Scott said, examining the interior of the boat, "And it's a great place for dragons, we can fix it up a bit and it'll be perfect!" Phil said, spreading his grey wings in exaggeration, as his arms were occupied by a dragon egg.

Scott and Phil bounded into the nest, the two eggs, one of which was red and the other was teal, each had a giant crack in their shell, "They're hatching!" Scott exclaimed, running up to the edge of the nest of blankets, pillows and other soft things they'd found in abandoned places, "Do you have the pendants?" Phil asked, sitting down next to the eggs, Scott nodded, holding out two necklaces, one with a sugilite pendant, and the other with a pendant of peridot, they'd put them on the dragonets' necks when they'd be hatched so Phil and Scott would always be able to recognize their dragons.

After a while of waiting, two baby dragons, two dragonets, broke out of the eggs, eggshell littered the ground below the now four.

One, the dragon from the red egg, was purple with glowing circles all over her

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