Izzie, George and Evi  walk past Alex. "Well maybe you can cheer them up." Izzie says.

George chuckles and Alex gives her a look. Izzie stops walking and turns around. "You know what? My New Year's resolution was to let it go, and I am. I have...let it go. I apologize." Izzie says. They all start walking down the hallway together.

"You do?" Evi asks looking at Izzie.

Alex smirks at George. "I do. How'd your test go?"

"I feel pretty good about it but I won't know for a few days."

"Well we're all pulling for you."

"We are?" George asks.

"We are." Evi says.


Bailey, Alex, Izzie, Evi and George are doing rounds. They enter Denny Duquette's room. He is lying in a hospital bed as a nurse fixes his IV.

"Denny Duquette." Bailey greets.

"Hey Dr. Bailey." He says.

"I hope seeing you here means that they finally found you a heart."

"No offense doctor but I'm not a big fan of hospitals. It takes something pretty special to get me in here."

Bailey turns to Izzie. "What do we know about Mr. Duquette?"

Denny smiles at Izzie. "Capricorn, single, loves to travel and cook."

"Denny be quiet. Let her show off."

Izzie looks down smiling. "Denny Duquette, 36. Admitted today for a heart transplant necessitated by a viral-cardiomyopathy." Izzie presents.

"Hmm and what does that mean?" Bailey asks.

"That his heart is unable to fill and pump blood normally."

"Good. Denny this is Dr. Stevens. She'll be tending to your private surgery."

Denny grins. "So I guess I'll be seeing you around, Dr. Stevens."

Alex looks on less than amused as Izzie smiles back. They leave the room and stand at the nurse's station as Bailey finishes checking on Denny.

"Gotta hand it to the guy, trying to get some action when he's practically a corpse." Alex says.

"Alex, he's just trying to be nice." Izzie says.

Bailey and George walk out of the room and start walking down the hallway. Izzie, Alex, and Evi catch up to them.

"No one enforced an 80 hour work week when I was an intern. 110, 120 hours suited me just fine. I learned more because I worked more." Bailey says.

"Well at least this way you get a rest before you have the baby. I mean being that pregnant, keeping up this pace." George says.

"Are you saying I look tired O'Malley?" Bailey asks.

"No, not tired, no. You look fresh, spry. You glow. What." He looks at his watch. "stop now?"

"O'Malley, go do an intake on Addison Shepherd's patient." Bailey says.

George was still looking at his watch. "Addison." He says before setting off.

"Evi, Karev cover the pit."

Evi nods and heads off.


Evi enters Mauer Paskowitz and his fiancé Audrey's room.

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