Chapter 30 : Transition

Start from the beginning

He ripped open Axel's shirt only to find the big bloody red hole was slowly slowly closing. Now that the room was silent Nyx heard the soft thud of a heart which was not his.
He paid attention and noticed , Axel's heart was still beating but very slowly.
Nyx's face was adorned by a tearful smile as he hastily climbed on the bed.

He knew it couldn't be. It was too early.
Mentally Nyx thanked all the gods above for hearing his prayers and not taking the only thing that kept him sane.

He figured the blood might have started working late but by the morning Axel would be healed and then Nyx would never leave him alone.
He covered Axel's body with blankets to keep him warm and turned up the thermostat.

He hugged Axel's body closer and wrapped his hands around him.

"I'm so thankful you're alive."

"I love you, Axel. Come back to me. I'm waiting babe please come back to me."he whispered sweet things in Axel's ear.

Nyx fell asleep in that position and woke up few hours later. It was around 4 in the morning.
Axel was still asleep and looking at his body all , all of his cuts were healed except the mark which looked as fresh as it did ok the first day. This was the sign that his mate was very much alive and his.

Nyx rubbed his eyes and reached out for water. He gulped the water down and got up to turn the thermostat down. The room was as hot as a furnace.
He got up but stopped dead in his tracks when hid hand met Axel's hand.

Something was weird.
Axel's body was still as cold as Ice, it was not even a little bit warmer as it should be despite the room being so hot and a dozens of blankets and Nyx himself covering him.

His heart was beating but why was he still this cold? Nyx thought.
He held Axel's hand and felt his pulse.
It was there and it was very much normal. He noticed something weird. Axel's chest was flat. It wasn't moving up or down like it should.
Axel wasn't breathing.
Nyx frowned and rubbed his eyes to see if he was really seeing this.

He opened Axel's eyes and his frown deepened but now it was filled with nervousness and fear.

Nyx immediately recognised the symptoms and pulled open Axel's lips to see if he was indeed thinking right.
Axel's normal canines appeared to be a little longer but still not believing what he saw, he immediately bit Axel's wrist and tasted his blood.

His eyes widened in horror as he realised Axel was amidst transition.

" Oh shit "Nyx muttered. He grabbed his face and started pacing around the room panicking.

Just a few days ago Axel confessed he wasn't really ok with idea of being a vampire. He still wasn't prepared and shit now was he supposed to explain this to Axel when he woke up.

Nyx's gaze fell on the open window and he groaned. The sun was coming up. He had to take decisions quickly.
He immediately went and closed the curtains.
Running down to the kitchen he got a bottle of water , a blood bag and some sugary snacks to prepare for the aftermaths of transition.

He waited patiently as all he had to do was wait for Axel to wake up.

The itch in his throat would start in four hours. It was five since Axel died and started the transition.
He has to have blood within twenty four hours or he'll die for good. He will crave it like an animal if he sees it lying around and if not given within 16 hours he'll go crazy.

Nyx prayed that Axel would accept the blood bag and turn .He couldn't imagine his life without Axel. As Nyx sat and watched Axel and heard his body internally rearranging itself and repairing the damage. He thought of all the good times he had with his mate. What if he didn't want to be turned and decides he wanna die. What will he do then? Nyx got lost in his own mind and unconsciously sat on the couch waiting for his mate to wake up.

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