Start from the beginning

I glanced at the book and the jewel on the cover tempted me to no end. I turned my back to it.

Nastasia: NO! It can't possibly help me with-

I paused. The words I heard earlier rang through my ears.

'He was in the same situation as ME, Timpani!'

What if I could use the same spell? The same spell used on Timpani? Revive both of them? Bring them back! I ran back over to my desk and flipped open the book. I started scanning the pages, looking for it. After a few minutes of searching, I found it! The spell used to transfer a SOUL into a vessel. A Pixl vessel.

I read through the fine print and found some things that may put a damper on plans... The main problem being, the person's SOUL that gets turned into a Pixl loses all of their memories. Which is pretty much killing them in an even worse way...

Nastasia: I can't do that! That's almost as bad as death! Unless...

I continued reading through the fine print until I came across the more positive side effects this would have. The book also stated that whatever environment the Pixl is exposed to in being made gains an ability similar to that. I guess since Timpani was exposed to all of those ancient texts and know it all wizards, she gained the ability to tattle.

Nastasia: What if... I cheat the system...

I've read up on many topics from this book in past years, one topic being... DETERMINATION. With DETERMINATION, one can persist after death. They can RETURN FROM DEATH!

Nastasia: If I make one Pixl with the power to use DETERMINATION, they could bring the other back! But... That would still require one of them to lose their memories...

Their memories weren't THAT big of a cost, right? I would think that being ALIVE again would be reward enough! But... which one to make into a Pixl..? I thought it over for almost an hour before I decided.


He's going to be the one turned into a Pixl. Think about it! He did all of that terrible stuff, I don't think that he would want to come back only to be hit with a wave of guilt. I sighed as I stood up from my seat.

Nastasia: So that settles it... Dimentio is going to be turned into a Pixl with the ability to harness DETERMINATION... I need some DETERMINATION first, though, if this is going to work... And thankfully, I know someone.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Mario.

--------------- Several Hours Later ---------------

I stood outside of the Inner Sanctum, the Dark Prognosticus tucked under my arm as I fidgeting anxiously with the syringe filled with DETERMINATION. Mario had left half an hour ago after I extracted a vial's worth. And I made sure not to tell him what it was for... I don't think that many people would approve of what I was about to do...

I took a deep breath as I turned to face the door. I pressed my hand to the door and slowly eased it open. I stepped inside and my blood went cold as soon as I saw them. Mr.L and Dimentio. Their bodies were sprawled across the floor, in the middle of a large crater. About a week ago, Blumiere moved all of the debris away from their bodies, so there were no boulders or rocks crushing them.

I walked over to the bodies. They both looked so peaceful... And even though it's been a little over a week, the bodies haven't even lost their color. Or at least, Mr.L's hasn't. I couldn't see any of Dimentio's skin with all of the clothing and his mask on him.

I looked down at the syringe in my hands and let out a sigh.

Nastasia: This is a good cause... It WILL work... It's a good idea to bring Dimentio back... right?

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