Fire In The Streets ~ Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

  Awkwardness had filled the air at her point-blank question.  "Well...I wouldn't say stalk, Raxmi," I had replied, realizing how creepy I must've seemed.  "I just wanted to make sure you were safe."

  She had grimaced a little at my response, and then shook her head as if to clear it.  "Did you want something or did you just want to watch me sleep?  Don't you have any killing to do?"

  'Ouch.  Maybe this is just how she is when she wakes up,'  I had thought.  ", no.  I just thought I'd see if you where awake.  To say...hey." 'Really?  Is that the best you can do, Axel?'  I had mentally slapped myself.

  Not appearing any less disturbed, Raxmi had nodded slowly.  "Well, I guess I would let you in, but the window's got safety latches and my door is locked from the outside."

  She was inviting me inside?  Thank God, perhaps she was glad to see me after all.  "I can make a Corridor inside if you want me t-"

  "No!" she had said hastily.  "I'm not inviting you in."  I had raised my eyebrows in surprise.  Alright, my unannounced arrival was disturbing, I could see that, but that was a bit harsh.  For her, anyway.  "I mean," she had clarified, seeing my expression, "if my dad caught you in here, he'd get really annoyed."

  I had furrowed my eyebrows in concern at her statement.  "In what way?"

  Raxmi had looked surprised, like she hadn't expected me to press further.  "He'd just...I guess he'd just ground me or something."

  I hadn't bought it.  Then – stupid, stupid, stupid! – the next question blurted out of my mouth before I'd even known that had crossed my mind: "Does he abuse you?"

  A look of shock and anger had settled on her delicate features.  "How could you ask me that?" she had demanded, outrage lacing her voice.  "No!  My dad would never hurt me!"

  I had raised my hands in surrender, regretting having brought up the subject.  "Hey, I'm sorry, I just don't want you to get hurt –"

  "- to get hurt by my father, whom you don't even know to make that kind of judgement."

  I had pointed a finger at her.  "Exactly.  You took the words right out of my mouth!" I was desperately trying to lighten the mood.

  The window had been slammed shut with a bang in response, the curtain sharply drawn across too.

  And now I was here, about half an hour later.  I glared in irritation at the sun, which had conveniently decided to peek between two buildings to blind me.

  Something was off about the whole encounter.  Yes, I didn't really have the right to say that.  I don't even know her favourite colour.  Red, maybe?  Anyway.  A logical person might conclude that this might be her normal personality.  I had only interacted with her a few times, and he had been friendly, kind, and dare I say a sweet person.  Who knew if that was how she behaved 24/7?  Certainly not me.

  Well, that didn't matter to me.  Call it intuition, call it gut instinct.  I knew that something was different about her.

  Now I had to think carefully about my next move.  Most likely, after this debacle, she wouldn't want to talk to me.  'Perhaps I should come back another day to apologize...'


  My best friend's voice rang out loudly in the Tram Common as he approached me, drawing a few stares from passers by.  "What are you doing here?  I've been looking all over for you!" Roxas asked, bent over his knees to catch his breath.

{DISCONTINUED} Fire In The Streets ~ Axel x Reader (Kingdom Hearts)Where stories live. Discover now