"I must say" Austin laughed as he too took a bite of his burger, "I don't think I've ever seen you so into  your food before Charlotte" his words making my eyes roll as I took another sip of my Pepsi, seeming to not be able to get enough of the cold, carbonated substance into my body. You would think that I would've learned from being pregnant with Austy that Pepsi always induced horrible heartburn on me, but when one is craving something it is just better to give in then to live without it, something I quickly realized when I was pregnant with our son.

"Then you should be lucky that you missed seeing me pregnant with Austy. I ate my parents out of house and home. I swear that I had to have gained about 20lbs. I was eating every chance that I got" I laughed, my eyes finally meeting his to see that they were filled with sadness instead of amusement, my tone immediately changing as I tilted my head to look at him. "Baby?" I asked, reaching my hand out to grab his as I filled the spaces between his fingers with my own.

"I'm not lucky that I missed seeing you pregnant with Austy Char. I wish I was there for every minute to see you at your worst and at your best, to be there for you through everything. I missed out on so much of his life Charlotte and that is something that I don't intend to happen with this baby" he said, his words making tears flood my eyes as I reached over the table and gave him a soft kiss.

"I love you Austin" I said with a smile as I fell back into my seat.

"I love you too Charlotte" he said back to me, his hand squeezing mine gently just as his cell started to vibrate loudly on the table next to him, my heart beating quickly as I had immediately assumed that it was Ashlen calling to cause trouble only to see his manager Dre's name appear on the screen. "Hold on baby girl, I'll be right back okay?" he said leaning in to give me a quick kiss before walking out of the doors to the diner.

I worked on finishing my wrap as I waited for him to finish up his conversation with his manager, my thoughts starting to wander as they lingered for quite some time on the fact that things were going very well for us ever since we found out that we were having another baby. We weren't fighting—if anything we were laughing more than anything—things with his ex went exceptionally well although the fact that they did still made me extremely nervous. Try as hard as I could, I couldn't shake the fact that Ash still had something up her sleeve. But I couldn't think of that today, I just wanted to focus my attention on the time that I had with Austin and going to the doctors to finally see a glimpse of our little nugget.

The moment was going to be something so special for Austin and I couldn't wait to see his face light up when the doctor let us hear his or her heartbeat for the first time, when he saw the tiny flicker of what could closely be compared to the flicker of a flame and just see the life that the both of us had created starting to grow within me. A tiny laugh came to my face as I seriously contemplated capturing the moment on my phone, knowing that it would be something that he would like to look back on later. Something I wished I could've done for him when I was with Austy but loving the fact that we were given a second chance to have that happen now.

I finished off my wrap in what one would assume to be a rather hasty fashion, every bit being just as delicious to me now as it was four years ago. The kind waitress came over asking if I wanted a refill on my Pepsi which I took with open arms, as I sat back in my chair to text my parents to see how things were going back in New York, every part of me wanting to spill the beans to them in an effort to make the announcement go over better when we talked with our parents later, begging them to pretend that when they heard the news for the second time to act surprised so they wouldn't ruin it for Austin.

But, in the end I decided that I couldn't do that to him. He was too excited about all of this to take away any emotion from him, whether good or bad, and I wanted him to experience all of it and go through it all together, so with a heavily bitten tongue I carried on a conversation as if life was normal and there was nothing brewing on the horizon.

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