"Preaching to the choir! I'm over men." Meredith says.

"Real nice. You know a dog is not a replacement for a human being." George says.

Alex wanders past them. He gestures to Izzie. "You guys better wake her. If Bailey catches her sleeping, she's dead." He says.

"Izzie." Cristina sags. She kicks Izzie.

"Damn it, what?" Izzie says angrily.

"Hell hath no fury like a girl whose non-boyfriend screws a nurse." Evi says to George.


Cristina nods. "I like you bitter and pissed off. You're almost like a normal person now." Cristina comments.


"Karl Murphy. 52. Multiple skin melanomas. Under went reconstructive surgery to his nose, right ear, as well as skin graft to the left index finger." Evi presents to Bailey.

"How's the capillary refill?" She asks.

"Slow. About 4 seconds."

"Ah what do you recommend to get that blood moving Dr. Jensen?"

"Our best options are probably a bio-therapeutic agent."

"What, what is that?" Karl asks.

"We put leeches on your face." Evi says to him.
Karl smiles. "Leeches? You don't say."

"They secrete blood thinners to help break up pooled blood so it can help be evacuated. Sorta like a, a big drain. Look if this makes you uncomfortable..." Bailey explains.

"No, no, no. I've been a hiker for forty years. Almost forty years now and Mother Nature hasn't come up with anything yet that I haven't found reason to love." Karl says.

Bailey smiles. "You're a big outdoorsman?"

"How do you think I got all these melanomas in the first place?" Karl says.


Bailey and the interns move the Quints' room where Dorie and Tom are standing looking at their baby girls. Addison is checking one of them.

"Oh good here you are. Mom and Dad are anxious for an update. Dr. Yang?" Shepard asks.

Tom helps Dorie back into her wheelchair. "Ah we've done the initial surgery on Julie's omphalocele. A primary closure was attempted but there was pulmonary comprise, so we couldn't continue-" Cristina starts.

"Yang, how about we do this in plain English?" Bailey interrupts.

"Oh, um we operated on Julie's external sac of organs and we pushed in as much of the bowel we could and we think we can push in the rest with a second operation." Cristina says.

Tom nods but Dorie sighs. "She has to have a second operation?" Dorie asks.

"Yeah." Cristina says. Bailey nudges her. "Uh well not for a few days." Cristina clarifies.

"Dr. O'Malley."

"We put in Lucy's brain shunt in yesterday and she's doing very well, but we just have to keep monitoring her to make sure the spinal fluid doesn't back up." George says. Addison nods.


"Dr. Burke used a catheter to open Emily's atrial septum last night. Today we're going to go in and try to reconstruct the left chamber of her heart. We're very hopeful."  Izzie says.

"Dr. Grey."

"Charlotte's lungs were a little more underdeveloped than the rest of the quints so we put a special mask on her to help her breathe and we're monitoring her closely." Meredith says.

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