Start from the beginning

the flustered smile stuck onto your face, until a heart wrenching sight snatched it away, your throat suddenly feeling like it was closing up on you.

kirishima had this head tucked in mina's neck, his hand firm around her waist, while her hand massaged the ends of his hair. you couldn't quite see his face too well, but hers was smug, your expression catching her eye the second it turned sour. she moves her hips into his arm, causing him to let out a small chuckle, but the smile remained, your eyebrows scrunching in frustration, jealousy, envy.

what does she have that i don't.

"hey, y/n, you alright?" denki waved a loose hand your way, pulling you out of your daze. you smile at his nervous smile and drawn eyebrows.

"i'm sorry uh- can i speak to you, alone?" he nods, finally giving a genuine smile, making his way to his dorm room.

his dorm room was brightly lit with purple led lights that hung loosely across his ceiling. his xbox was on, rocket league boldly displayed on his screen. you couldn't help but to happily bite your lip at the setup, his room itself giving you euphoria.

"so, what did you wanna talk about." he plops on his bed, using his hand to pull you on as well. you giggle, placing the bag in between the two of you. he pulls out the mochi box, grasping the box and ripping it open to munch on the snack.

"i have boy problems." he gasps, clapping his hand as he chewed his food, holding up his finger in a waiting motion. you chuckle once, holding a smile while your fingers tug on themselves.

"spill, i want all the tea. wait! is it about sero? 'cause if so i could totally like, hook you guys up—"

"it's about kirishima." his eyebrows raise faster than you could open your mouth and reply with another sentence. he shakes your shoulders, inaudible rambling traveling from ear to ear. you grab his hands, the silence longing on before you two squeal. it all ended with laugher, your breathes filling up the room.

"okay okay— wow kirishima, he is cute i will admit. tell me everything." he munches on the snack, his eyes trained and focused on you as you explained everything.

"interesting." he hums, his hand resting under his chin. he rubs it with his pointer and thumb, looking over at the distance as if the ceiling had the answers plastered on it.

"well, ask to speak to him! i'm not sure how much you two hang out, but if you have a crush on him i'd assume you two are together often, i hope." he passes a mochi over to you, and you nibble on it, processing the new idea.

"i could put a note on his desk in the morning before everyone comes?" he points and nods aggressively, shoving the rest of the mochi in his mouth.

"i was thinkin' the same thing-!" he gulps, grabbing a tissue from a tissue box that sat neatly on his drawer and wiping his fingers. you nibble on your finger, the image of kirishima and mina engraved in your head.

"are uh- are mina and kirishima a thing?" you bit your lip at the thought of them being together, not with joy but with nervousness.

"oh no— no no no nothing like that." he shakes his hand, pulling out a can of monster from the side of his bed. you sigh in relief, a small smile making its way to your face.

"sorry, i just saw them all over each other and it- it stung— kinda." you look away, rubbing your neck. he gushes at your nervousness and you quietly groan, the small smile staying on your face. you really were relived, the image of them flickering in and out, but the overall idea thrown out of the window, but it doesn't sum up the contact whatsoever.

"thank you, for the conversation. you're really cool." he dramatically winks, sending over a finger gun.

"and uh- before i go, why did shinsou tell me to talk to you out of all people?

"we're dating." you begin to profusely cough, the newfound information startling you to the brim. he pats your back, the reaction already prepared for on his end.

"you're dating?! since when?"

"since a few months ago. did he not tell you-"

"no he did not tell me-!" you scratch your head in frustration, falling against the bed with a poof.

"wait shinsous gay?!" you jolt up, your hair now clumped and disheveled. he tilts his head, his eyebrows lowering down in a "really" expression.

"i think that's pretty obvious love. now go snatch your man before you're too late. i'm tired." he pushes you out the door before you can utter another word. your back laid against the door as if your body was still processing this all, but you give a soft smile, the final results ending in that kirishima really was still open. all you needed to do was talk to him, at least.

you only solved part of the puzzle, but you had yet to find the remaining pieces.

you only solved part of the puzzle, but you had yet to find the remaining pieces

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