Through the Sleepless Night

Start from the beginning

"Follow me."

At some point I realize that Scott and Isaac are no longer with us. This was probably their plan all along. Ditch me, leave me with the adults. I don't really care. Maybe this is for the best; It's not like I was that much help anyways. I wish I was as smart as Stiles, or as strong as Scott, or even as brave as Allison. But I am none of the above.

I wait around the hospital for my mom, feeling completely useless. It hurts not being able to be there for the ones you love. I just want to do something so badly. How am I supposed to sit around here and wait for other people to find him? I can't help but remember what Tessa told me in my dream; How she said that I would be the one to help him. Is this what she meant? I can't imagine how I could possibly help. I'm probably the least helpful person in existence.

"Come on," My mom breaks my train of thought "My shift is over. We're going to go see your dad."


"Hi, I'm Melissa McCall," My mother drags me into the station. I know it's ridiculous, but I'm stating to feel insecure about the fact that I'm still in pajamas. In my defense, Scott wasn't going to wait for me to change, so I'm not wearing them by choice. "I was hoping to see Agent McCall."

My dad walks in from the room to our right "What are you doing here?"

"My shift was over. I just wanted to see if I could hep." She explained.

"What is she doing here?"

"I want to help too." I pout "How come no one understands that."

"Raf," My mom shakes her head "You know how much she cares for him. What was I supposed to do? Send her home so she can have a self induced anxiety attack?"

"Okay let's go," He leads us all out to his car.

Yay, family road trip.


"So what are you saying?" My mom questions.

"I'm saying the real question might be, how do we know he's not still asleep?" My dad explains his thought process.

"You mean he's been asleep the whole time?" My mom tries to fill in the blanks.

"No," I start "He called Scott. Twice. And he sounded pretty alert of his surroundings."

"Honey," She grabs my hand "Having conversations in your sleep isn't unheard of."

What she's really saying is Bella, there's a whole supernatural explanation for this I'm sure. Shut up and listen to your dad.

"Yeah," My dad agrees "People who sleep walk can do crazy things. One guy goes down to the kitchen and cooks an entire meal. Another guy is found mowing his lawn naked."

"What's any of that matter?" My mom laughs.

"Remember that townhouse apartment we lived in? There was that one night I came home drunk--"

"Oh, one night?" My mom interjects.

"Let me finish," Dad protests "So I'm drunk, passed out on the bed, I get up to the bathroom. Then suddenly I hear you yelling 'What the hell are you doing?'"

"Because you were in the closet, peeing into the laundry basket!"

I bust out laughing "Wait, really?"

"Yeah," My dad sends me the most genuine smile I've ever seen him wear, pleased that he made me laugh "I though it was the bathroom!"

I must have been so young when this happened. My memories of when my mom and dad were still together are pretty hazy. For most of my life he was just kind of gone, but he was never bad. Maybe that's why I have a better relationship with him than Scott. I just don't remember when it was tough.

"Oh, no you were drunk off your ass." My mom counters.

That, I do remember. My dad always smelling like whiskey. I didn't know that was a scent a little girl wasn't supposed to associate with her dad.

"Yeah, but I was convinced it was the bathroom."

"Yeah," Mom agrees.

"So how do we know Stiles isn't just convinced he's in some kind of basement? And isn't actually there. I think when he called Scott he was still asleep. And is still asleep right now."

"The where is he?" I ask urgently.

"I got an idea about that too."


We run out of my dad's car as soon as he puts it in park, and sure enough, there's Stiles. My dad was right, he's asleep, but it doesn't look like a peaceful sleep, He's shivering and crying and my heart is aching. I hate seeing him like this.

My dad finally gets next to Stiles and tries shaking him awake. Stiles starts screaming the same word, repeatedly "Wait," as he fights waking up. Watching him pains me, cuts through me like a knife. I just want him to be happy so badly. However, I can't look away.

"Stiles!" My dad yells trying to snap him out of his nightmare.

"Stiles," My mom holds him down "You're alright! You're okay!"

Stiles slows down, becoming aware of his surroundings, and my mom reassures him one last time "Stiles, you're alright."

My mom and dad walk him to the car and sit him down next to me in the backseat. I look at him cautiously, not sure if I should say anything. I don't know what the best way to comfort him would be. I send him a small, weak smile trying to communicate how I'm feeling. He purposefully avoids looking at me, so I'm not sure if he understands just how worried I am. His shoulder brushes against mine, revealing how cold he really is. "Dad, do you have any blankets?"

"You don't have to baby me." Stiles manages to spit out.

"You baby me all of the time," I protest.

"It's different."

"No," I grab a blanket out of my dad's hands and wrap it around him "It's not. Now, can you quite being so stubborn for two seconds? I'm kinda freaking out."

"I don't want you to freak out." He mumbles.

"Yeah, you're just going to have to get over that."

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