But at Least You Have Beautiful Ghosts

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"Bella!" My mom catches my attention as I come into the hospital, carrying a brown paper sack full of greasy diner food. I almost feel guilty bringing all of this potential heart disease in a hospital.

I walk up to her and hand her the bag of food. "And right now you're my favorite, but don't tell Scott."

"I won't," I assure her. "Anything exciting happening at the hospital?"

"It's been pretty slow for me, but I think someone had triplets."

"Oh no," I sympathize with that poor mother. No facet of that situation sounds easy.

"Exactly my thoughts." She laughs. "Also look at these cute pumpkins!" My mother motions to the hospital's cheap attempt at being festive for Halloween.

"Aww," I say, but I'm distracted by my phone buzzing repeatedly.

Stiles: Bella

Stiles: Where are you?

Stiles: Aren't you coming to the school?

Stiles: Remember? It's mischief night?

Stiles: I know you hate pranks, but we want you here.

I try to ignore him, but he's so persistent. He's also correct; I hate pranks. And it's not only when I'm on the receiving end! I don't even like playing them on others. I just feel too bad afterwards. So mischief night is about the opposite of what I want to do. I'd rather stay in a hospital with my mother than play pranks on poor teachers who don't know any better.

Me: Absolutely not

Stiles: Is this about last night?

We haven't really talked since last night. I mean we've talked, but not about the fact the we slept together. Okay, we didn't sleep together but we definitely weren't doing it separately. I don't want it to make things awkward between us. I enjoyed it too much.

Me: No

Me: Of course not

Stiles: Good. Does that mean I can come over again tonight?

Me: Yeah

Stiles: Thanks

I look up from my phone to see my mom giving me a goofy smile "Who was that?"

"No one."

"Really?" She accuses.


"Okay," She sighs "I'll leave it alone."

Good. My mom does not need to know that I had a boy in my room last night and that I intend to have the same one in there tonight. It's not like we were even doing anything, but I still don't think my mom would take it well.

I see my dad marching through the hospital the same time that Stiles' dad bursts through the door. The tension is obvious.

"Oh here we go," My mom vocalizes my thoughts.

"Hey," Sheriff Stilinski points at my dad "He is not coming in."

"This is the only hospital that will take him." My dad explains.

"Take who?" I ask, but of course get ignored.

"What about county?" Sheriff offers.

"You'd be surprised at how fast things fill up when a guy like this needs surgery," Dad explains.

"A guy like who?" I get no response, again.

"They turfed him to us?" My mom is apparently in on this, as well.

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