Throw Blankets Over My Barbed Wire

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The long day turns into long night as Coach announces the storm is too bad to keep going, and we have to stay at a motel.

Greenberg hands me a crumpled up paper. Before I can open it he says "Hey, little McCall. Text me if you get lonely tonight," Oh my god.

"Um-" I stutter "I act- You-"

"She doesn't like you, Greenberg" Stiles interrupts as he and Scott cram in my seat.

"We just wanted to make sure you were okay," Scott explains.

"Make sure I'm okay?" I try really hard not to yell. I'm not the one who was nearly dying just a second ago "What about you?"

He lifts up his shirt revealing only a faint scratch "I'm all good,"

How is that even physically possible? I saw his wound. It was big, and deep, and bloody. Too much blood for it to have come from that little scrape.

"Then I'm fine as well." I roll my eyes. I really need to get to the bottom of this, but I don't have the energy to deal with him right now.

"Um, sweet." He hops up and runs back to his seat, but Stiles stays a little bit longer.

"Don't text Greenberg," He mumbles after a few moments before following Scott to the back of the bus.


The bus' breaks squeak as we slow to a stop, waking me up from my partial sleeping state. I blink hard a few times until I'm able to see things clearly. And what I see— Well, it isn't good. Is this really the only place we could stay?

"I've seen worse," Scott says as we get off of the bus.

"Where have you seen worse?" Stiles comments.

"There was that one vacation dad took us on," I comment "After the divorce. That place was a dump."

Scott laughs "Yeah, we're never doing that again."

"Listen up," Coach catches our attention "The meet's been pushed til tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and the least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates, like yourselves."

A few members of the team laugh, and Greenberg sends me like the ten-thousandth gross look of the day.

"You'll be pairing up. Choose wisely," Coach finishes.

Scott and Stiles get a room together, and so do Allison and Lydia, leaving me alone. Which normally I'd be okay with, but this place is giving me a bad vibe. I really don't have any other options that don't require me rooming with a stranger, so I grab a key to room 226.

"And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants," Coach yells as we walk to our rooms. "Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves."

I try to not draw attention to myself as I sneak to my room. It's awkward being the odd one out, but I brought this upon myself. I almost make it to my room with no interruptions. I even start unlocking my door, when Stiles runs up behind me.

"Wait," He pants "Bella."

"What?" I say in a flat voice as I open my door.

"Are you alone?" He follows me into my room. My heart beat quickens with his closeness. His being here just complicates things for me.

"Yeah," I cringe "But it's fine. I'd rather be alone than room with someone I don't know."

"Well," He stammers "Maybe we could switch rooms— you could stay with Scott. Or I could come in here. With a cot, of course. Just to make sure you're okay."

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