A Careless Man's Careful Daughter

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I'm just about to hop in my bed when I get a text from Stiles. It's been a long day, and I'm really tempted to simply ignore him. I set my phone down and try to get some rest, but he infiltrated my every waking thought. What if he's not coming tonight? Did I do something wrong? Did I come on too strong and scare him off? I pick up the phone.

Stiles: Kira got taken by Barrow. She's fine now and lucky that Scott was with her. We're at the police station now. She's a little shaken up, if you want to come.

Me: Ya, on my way.

Me: Wait

Me: She was with Scott??

Stiles: Yeah they were on a date, I guess, but that's not really our main problem right now.

And she didn't tell me? I mean, I get it. It's awkward cause that's my brother, but your supposed to tell your friends about your romantic advances. But Stiles is right, it's not important, comparatively. I mean it is a big deal, and we'll talk about it later, but right now I should focus on comforting my friend. I'll interrogate her afterwards.

I get in my car, not even asking permission at this point, and race to the station. I'm 16 so most people will assume I have a license anyways. Plus, I'm about 80% sure Stiles was driving around when he only had his permit, so Stilinski can't say anything.

While I'm driving, I have time to think. I think about how fast things change. Just a couple weeks ago, I knew nothing about this world, and now I'm driving head first into it. I miss being oblivious. I miss leading a normal life, but in as way, I'm glad things have changed. I'm driving head first to comfort a friend. Stiles trusts me enough to text me in times of need. Scott is spending more time with me. It's not all bad. It's not all good.

Once I get there I see my dad's car parked outside of the building, and I kind of wish that Stiles told me he was here. People in Beacon Hills get kidnapped all of the time. Is it really necessary for him to be on this case? I would assume that he's here for something else, but looking at tonight's slow pace, I'm pretty sure this is the only major thing happening.

I run into the room and my dad looks up at my annoyed "You weren't there too, were you?"

"No, no," I assure him, even though I don't really know where there is. For all I know the crime scene could have been in my own home. "Just came to comfort a friend."


"Yes, who else?" I laugh.

"I just thought she was Scott's—" He shakes his head "Never mind."

I plant myself between Scott and Kira, sending him a glare. Just because I support them, doesn't mean Scott gets to go on a date with her without asking me. I would ask Scott if I was going to date Stiles. I'm not going to date Stiles, so that's besides the point. In my dreams. But if in a hypothetical universe where Stiles and I were fated to date, I would talk with Scott before pursuing a relationship. I don't appreciate that he hasn't done the same.

But then I think about the past few nights. I think about Stiles sneaking through my window, crawling under my covers. I think about talking with him until I fall asleep. I think about holding on the last bit of consciousness because I don't dare take for granted any moment, but eventually fall asleep, pressed against him.

I never told Scott any of that. I could never utter those words to anyone, especially not Scott. So, maybe I understand why he didn't tell me about Kira. Maybe I wouldn't have wanted to hear it. Lord knows Scott wouldn't have wanted to hear about—

"Just so I have this absolutely clear," My dad starts waking me from my daydream. I can only hope no one notices the blush on my cheeks. "Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at the school. Someone left him a coded message on the blackboard telling him to kill Kira. Then Barrow took Kira to a power substation and tied her up with the intent of electrocuting her, which blacked out the entire town."

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