Flight Risk

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It's been a few days since the crazed bird incident, and my cut is healing better than expected. There is a little bruising, but I think I'll be fine by picture day.

Being the cool person I am, I am spending my Friday night drinking cranberry juice and playing crossword puzzles. Tessa said she would come over later tonight, but first she has to stop by a childhood friend's birthday party. She told me I could come and that Heather wouldn't mind, but going to a party where I don't know anybody sounds like the worst possible situation.

Stiles and Scott run down the stairs really loudly, catching my attention before they come into the kitchen.

"Hey, Bella," Stiles says. We haven't talked much since he made it clear that I wasn't his sister, but I still was his friend. Which was odd and unnecessary, causing me to be way more uncomfortable than I'd like to be.

"Hello," I say lightly.

"We're going to a party tonight, do you wanna come?" Scott asks. I assume he's talking about the same party that Tessa's going to.

"Like a birthday party?" I ask to clarify.

"Yeah," He starts "But it will be fun!"

"I think Tessa is going to that," I explain "But I don't really know the birthday girl, so I think I'll pass."

"I don't know her and I'm still going," Scott counters.

"It's still a pass," I laugh "Also, not to be rude, but why are you going?"

"Um, I'm friends with her," Stiles chimes in "Scott was just invited by default,"

"I see," I say "Well, have fun!" I look back down at my crossword. 10 down is really kicking my ass.

Stiles walks over to check it out and I point to the prompt that I'm struggling with. A shapeshifting lizard. How am I supposed to know that? Google couldn't even give me a solid answer.

"Try kanima. K-A-N-I-M-A. " He says casually. I put my pen against the paper, try the word, and it fits. It's weird that he would know that, but he's always been pretty smart. He probably just read about it somewhere.

"Thanks," I comment and he nods in acknowledgement.

After a few minutes the boys are ready to leave. I look back to say goodbye when I notice two bands wrapped around Scott's arm.

"Is that the tattoo?" I start to walk over to him so I can get a better look.

"Um," He panics "I actually liked it and decided to go back."

Something about that just doesn't sit right with me. The prank never made sense, they wrote it off way too quickly, and now the tattoo is there again. What does that even mean?

Scott throws on a jacket to cover his arm, then he and Stiles rush out the door. It isn't until a few minutes after they're gone that I remember Stiles' comment about the lizard tattoo in the parlor.

Kanima? I write it down on a sticky note so that I'll remember to look it up later tonight.


The following school day comes faster than I would like, but I'm trying to stay positive. Sad, bummer Bella long gone. King of. My new positive outlook gets difficult to pursue during economics class.

Coach is going on and on about something, but I'm actively trying to drown him out. Stocks stress me out. Physically. Just thinking about them makes me want to throw up. I do not plan on investing in stocks when I grow up, but I do plan on copying Scott's homework this semester, so my not paying attention isn't doing much harm.

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