Staying True To Word

Start from the beginning

Luigi: Mario, if that's you, I swear...

I could hear him rush to the door and it opened moments later. It took almost ALL of my willpower not to scream, "YOU'RE ALIVE!".

Luigi: Mr.L! You're back so soon! Did you get the Pure Hearts and your memories?

Mr.L: Pure Hearts, no. Memories, yes.

Luigi: Oh... Oh! What are you doing here then?

Mr.L: I would like to ask you a few questions.

Luigi: Sure! Want to come in?

Mr.L: Yes.

Luigi: Great! Come on!

He took me by the arm and led me into his house. I sat down on the couch and Luigi sat across from me.

Luigi: Okay, what do you want to ask about?

I paused, trying to figure out how I could phrase it.

Mr.L: Your brother told me at one point that a Pixl keeps coming to you.

Luigi: Oh yeah! He stopped coming about a day before you came here the first time though...

I knew that it was Dim, but I wanted to know if HE did.

Mr.L: Could you... Give me the Pixl's name? Maybe describe him?

Luigi: Uh... He never told me his name. Said that I wouldn't like him after he did... He was really nice! Believe it or not.

People, or Pixls in this case, without SOULS, aren't supposed to be able to feel things, Dim told me that himself. But I want to prove him wrong. And Luigi is gonna help me gather some evidence.

Mr.L: Really?

I was trying to sound as convincing as I could and Luigi seemed to buy it.

Luigi: Yup!

Mr.L: Did you ever ask him for his name?

Luigi: Yeah... I did right before he stopped coming... He got pretty upset with me... Probably why he stopped coming back...

I could see tears beginning to form in his eyes.

Mr.L: Hey, I'm sure that's not why... Why don't you just tell me what happened?

He wiped the forming tears away.

Luigi: Okay, I guess that's fine. It was a few days ago...

---------------- Flashback ----------------

Luigi's POV:

I let out a long yawn as I slowly woke up from the nap I was taking. I got up from the wall outside of my house and stretched a little.

Mario: Hey, Weegee!

I turned to see Mario heading out.

Luigi: Where you going, bro?

Mario: I'm going to go see Peach. Think you'll be alright if I'm gone for the rest of the day?

I scoffed.

Luigi: Mario, I'm a fully grown adult!

Mario: I know! *Sigh* See you later.

We waved goodbye to each other until he was out of sight. I let out a sigh as I leaned back against the house. I chuckled a little to myself. Normally when Mario left, my friend would come by...

As if on cue, I could hear a small flutter sound. I looked up to see a small glowing light, which I had learned at one point was supposed to be one of his eyes.

Pixl: Awe... Did your brother go out without ya again~?

I chuckled a little.

Luigi: Yup. It's a habit at this point. But I can't complain...

This time it was the Pixl that chuckled.

Pixl: Oh, I know all about bad habits, L.

He kept calling me that for some reason. Whenever I corrected him he either brushed it off or got a little... upset.

Luigi: Hey... Mind if I ask you something?

Pixl: Hm?

Luigi: What actually IS your name?

Pixl: Ah ha ha, what~? Calling me a friend isn't enough?

Instead of giving me his name all those weeks ago, he insisted on just calling him 'a very good friend'.

Luigi: Yes, but, what is your REAL name? I would like to know the name of the person- er, PIXL who's been so nice to ME, of all people.

Pixl: You should just be content with knowing I chose to be nice to you.

Luigi: Could you then... maybe show me what you look like?

The Pixl paused.

Pixl: No.

Luigi: Why not?

Pixl: I just... Can't you just trust me?

This time I paused.

Luigi: You don't have to be afraid to tell me...

Pixl: I'm not... But if I tell you... YOU would be afraid of me...

I thought it over.

Luigi: Why can't you just-

Black ropes appeared out of nowhere and wrapped around me. I let out a yelp as they tightened quickly.


I couldn't help but let a small whimper escape my lips at the sudden outburst. I think the Pixl noticed this. As quickly as they came, the restraints fell away. I looked up to see that the Pixl looked upset.

Pixl: I'm sorry... I don't know why I did that...

I tried to catch my breath as I tottered around from lack of air.

Luigi: N-no, it's fine, I shouldn't have pressed the issue...

I went to cross my arms but let out a small yelp as soon as I felt a searing pain. I looked at my arm to see a large scrape down it. I started to get light-headed at the sight of blood.

Luigi: Ooooh...

Pixl: A-are you alright..? Here, let me see...

The black ropes appeared again and I instinctively recoiled from them. The ropes froze in place and then disappeared. I could hear the Pixl begin to sob.

Pixl: I knew it... I'm a danger to everyone close to me...

The light from the Pixl's eye vanished.

Luigi: Hey, a-are you there?

No response.

Luigi: It wasn't your fault! I was just curious!

Again, no response.

Luigi: Friend..? Come back...

But nobody came.

---------------- Flashback Done ----------------

Mr.L's POV:

Luigi: And after that... I haven't seen him since. But then you came back!

I thought over what Luigi just said. From what I pieced together, after Dim's outburst, he went back to Castle Bleck to try and use his SOUL to revive me.

I stood up from my seat.

Mr.L: Thank you, Luigi. That's just the information I wanted. And hey, maybe you'll see the Pixl again.

After I win him back, I would like to add.

Luigi: I hope so too... And I also hope to see you soon as well.

I nodded to him and then waved goodbye as I left. I still have one more stop before I try to find Dim.

I need to confront Nastasia.

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