LXVI. Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Our Story

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LXVI. Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Our Story

Grief is a most peculiar thing; we're so helpless in face of it. It's like a window that will simply open of its own accord. The room grows cold and we can do nothing but shiver. But it opens a little less each time, and a little less: and one day we wonder what has become of it.

Just before summer a lot of things happened. I mean I got kidnapped, along with Jughead, Betty, Archie and Veronica by Penelope Blossom who was the ringleader for the entire gargoyle situation. Chic, was the gargoyle king and was working with her as well as Sister Woodhouse and Betty's Dad. They sent the five of us on a crazy gargoyle quest in which each of us had to complete task in order to stay alive.

Archie fought an individual that replicated the strengths of a bear, Jughead fought Chic, Betty shot her dad and watched him die in front of her and Veronica drank poison. What did I do? Well Joe Wills was there.

He explained how Ruth's husband Henry, was part of an organisation that killed his brother. he wanted revenge so he killed Ruth by changing the intake amount in her pills but he didn't think it was enough. he joined Penelope and helped stir the town into all this griffin and gargoyle craze. He admitted to killing Rose because she found out about his brother and his multiple charge cases. I was given a gun, he told me to shoot or he would shoot Archie first then my friends then myself. I didn't give in at first and they told me not to but as soon as he pointed the gun towards Archie I shot him.

We managed to escape with the help of the serpents and the pretty poisons, but then we remembered about the farms ascension. by the time we got there they were all gone except for Kevin who was sat in the middle of all their clothes rocking back and forth. He said they left him so he could tell everyone what happened. Now those who did escape from the Farm went through some therapy program to deal with the trauma that they got from all the farm's weird teachings and such.

Things didn't stop there though: Charles, Betty's half brother, is in-fact real and is an FBI agent who has been working with Alice Cooper on trying to take down the farm from the inside. Yeah I didn't believe it too.

I went to the performing arts school over the summer. It was sort of like a summer school program but also not really. It ran for two weeks as like some taster before the start of the semester. I enjoyed, I really, really did like the school, but I have yet to make the decision if I'll be returning there or staying at riverdale High for my senior year.

Pea says I should go, 'you deserve to have life changing things happen to you princess.' He doesn't care about the distance and doesn't want me to worry about how it will effect him. Sometimes I wonder what I did to get where I am, Hmm..

Dad wants me to go. When we went in the tour around the school together, though we fail to keep up with the rest of the tour group due to the two of us getting distracted by every single thing we see on the way, even the little things. He wants me to have the best chance and though he said he doesn't mind if I stay at riverdale I definitely think he wants me to go.

I just don't want it to turn out like the last time I moved away from Riverdale. I've matured obviously but the only reason I have friends is because I grew up with them, I could barely talk continuously to Oliver when I first met him. But it's a working process I guess.

And that's about it really. Now it's the beginning of July and the town is preparing for the Fourth of July parade that happens every year without a fail. I'm meant to be helping do the float with Betty, Jug, Archie and Veronica but I was running a thirty minutes late..then a hour..then two..then I just gave up. I'll repay then next time.

"Good morning, good morning! The sun is up, it's all nice a fresh, c'mon let's start this glorious, glorious day!" I pull my duvet off over my face to get a look at who just walked in and see it's Oliver opening up the blinds letting in the natural light before grabbing a few things from the floor and placing them in the correct, designated area. He then sighs happily, placing his hands on his hips and looking from side to side with a smile behold directly at me. I look at him in dreariness before pulling the covers back over by face.

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