"Woah! That's so cool!" Chatri exclaimed. I agree; they look fantastic. "Dad! You should buy that for him!"

"Yeah, I think he will like simple things over other designs," I said. "I'll take the two."

The jeweler nodded and prepared the bracelets. I hope he will like this. After buying the bracelets, we went to a fast food chain since Chatri said he wanted some fries, a burger, and bubble tea.

I might be spoiling him, but that's fine; he is my boy anyway.

After some time inside the mall, We decided to head home, Chatri fell asleep while holding his bubble tea cup. I took it out of his grasp and placed it on the cup holder. I'm glad I told them to add this to the car.

Arriving home. I told one of the butlers to carry the toys and clothes that I bought for Chatri while I carried Chatri in my arms. I went to his room and placed him on his bed. It's a good idea that we already ate at the mall; we don't have to eat dinner now. The butler came in with the bags; I told him to place them near the cabinet and left the room.

I searched the bags for the bracelet that I had just purchased. Once I got it, I smiled upon seeing the box. I stood up and left his room quietly. Walking back to my own room, I quickly changed my clothes and took a quick shower.

Tomorrow, I'll just give this to him....

I rest on my bed and slept...

The next day My plan was ruined. Unfortunately, I have meetings starting at 9 a.m. and ending at 9 p.m.So I don't really know if I can give this to him early.

"Why do I have to give this to him?" Chatri asked. "Shouldn't you be the one to give this to him?"

"Yes, Son, but I have loads of meetings this day, so I don't have time to give this to him," I explained as I handed him the box.

"Hmp! You need to confess to him, Dad. I thought you loved him?"

Do I love him? No. Love is a strong word. "Not yet, but I like him."

"See! You can just give the gift to him tomorrow," Chatri said. Damn, this kid is getting hardheaded.

"I thought you wanted a papa?" I said, looking at him. He looks hesitant, but I take the box in my hand and run towards the van that will bring him to the restaurant.

"I WILL HAVE A PAPA!" He shouted as the door of the van shut closed.

I shook my head and laughed. I went to my own car and told the driver to drive back to the office. Chatri's already 4 years old; he'll be turning 5 soon. *sigh* Time flew by so fast. We finally arrived at the office. I hopped down and was greeted by my secretary and other PSG. We went inside the building, and some of my employees greeted me, but I just gave them a friendly nod.

Reaching the office. I saw P'Mike already sitting on the couch. I walked inside and greeted him.

"Hey, P'Mike," I said, sitting down on my swivel chair. "Check if all the materials needed for the 9 a.m. meeting are ready."

"Yes, sir," my secretary said. She bowed and left the room.

"What brings you here, Phi?" I asked, bringing the files to my table and opening my laptop.

"What's going on with you?" he asked out of the blue. I look at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked in total confusion.

"You seem odd these past few days," he asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said, trying to change the topic and diverting my attention to the files. God, these are a mountain of papers.

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