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To love and to be loved which one would you choose? 

In an ideal world, we would love and be loved in equal measure. Unfortunately, we often love someone who doesn’t love us as much and in the same way in return. It can be a heartbreaking experience. They may reject us or develop an unequal relationship where one person holds the power. So is it any better to be the person who holds the power? One has to ask why someone would put themselves in a relationship in which they don’t love the other person. It might be that this reflects their childhood in some way and the need they developed to be in a powerful position. Children who struggled for affection may find themselves in this position as adults. Either way, if the power imbalance is too great, one has to wonder if the relationship is worth continuing. Both people may be getting something out of it in terms of satisfying some distorted psychological need, but at the same time are missing the opportunities to develop a real authentic loving relationship.

Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo loved each other. If then they did not love each other then why would they get married in the first place? But if their parents did not involve themselves in their relationship in the first place it had or it would have never amounted to this they did not want to be like this in the first place.

After that eventful night, Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan never reached out to each other or even walked across each other it was like the other never existed in the first place. A week later signed divorce papers and one last letter from Wang Yibo found themselves at Xiao Zhan's current address.

"Did you sign the papers?" The old man across from him asked he received no reply from Xiao Zhan who was sitting across
from him eating.

"It is true what they say Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing," Zhan said while still looking down at his food "And we labor, working with our own hands. When reviled we bless, thank you for blessing me " Xiao Zhan smiled was he mocking Wang Yibo's father, or was he mocking himself?

"Did you sign the papers?" the old man asked again

  "Why are you here to stop me from signing the papers," Zhan asked him

" my son did a mistake by ever considering marrying you or even starting a relationship with you" Wang Yibo's father loathingly said that to Xiao Zhan "my son changed very much the moment he met you he was normal but you changed him what is wrong with a father wanting his son back to his normal self I am doing this so you both will thank me in the future"

"Mr. Wang let me inform you one thing I have tolerated you very much this past 4 years or so and you have never heard or seen me insult you I very much respect you and that is the only thing that is keeping me from waking up in this seat and strangling you right now cause God help me if I didn't  have respect for you this building would have not walked out the both of us " Xiao Zhan gripped his chopsticks harder "And what is wrong with being attracted with guys you know for someone whose first love was a man you sure talk too much, I will excuse myself if it is the divorce papers no need to worry they were officially signed last week it is sure sad the news didn't reach your office" Xiao Zhan picked up his coat " now that I have officially cut out all of my ties to the Wang Family  don't ever go after my mother or anything with her name I get paid by hours, by the way, the next time you call me out make sure to have a payslip, old man"

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