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No one knew where to find the two doctors. The northwest building was down with rubles everywhere. Everyone was safe but Xiao Zhan and Lan sizhui. Without any phone contact and access, the group were unable to retreat the two.

" We are stranded here. We don't have any idea what part of the building was and we don't even know that they are conscious and worse alive" Yixuan talked as he was one of the members who were so far mentally stable.

" I don't care if this means we have to turn these ruins inside out then so be it" Wang Yibo declared " if it means we are going to spend the night here to find them that is what we are going to do. Nobody rests until we find them come rain come shine"

" You heard him let's get into it" Seungyoun shouted

" Yes sir" the battalion answered him and they were down to work with whatever tool they had in their hands.

" Ge" Lan Sizhui shouted but he didn't hear any response back. "Ge can you hear me" He tried to move but he was hindered by a shelf of utensils that had fallen over his lower body. "Ge if you can hear my voice can you shout back" Lan Sizhu tried again but he was helpless no noise came after.  The situation he was in was also helpless, he couldn't move the heavy shelf that was on top of his lower body and he was very much sure he had gone numb on his legs and also it was double the pain because anytime he moved he could feel the pain in his dominant hand (right) that appeared to have shards of broken glasses. "Ge" Lan Sizhui helplessly called for Xiao Zhan again before he broke into sobs. "Ge please answer me" Lan Sizhui desperately called out. It wasn't long before he too lost consciousness the pain being too much for him.

"Xiao Zhan"

"Lan Sizhui"

The Squadrons called for the two missing doctors, with every call it was met back with no silence or no response. The medical team were too joining into the search party since now every hand, counted under this situation. 4 two-storey buildings had collapsed with one of them being the kitchen the others were sleeping compartments. With no idea of where the doctors were located and a pile of rubles that were from the collapsed buildings, it was going to be a long day for the battalion of 70 soldiers.

"We should take a rest" Wen Qing informed Wang Yibo.

"We are not resting until they are found" Wang Yibo didn't wait for her to continue her explanations.

"I am not asking nor am I requesting it is an order I am giving out Captain Wang, 10 people are injured from lifting these heavy rubles. I have 7 people down from dehydration and it had been seven hours without any progress. We are taking a rest and we will continue from that" Wen Qing turned away telling the others to rest.

"This is hopeless" Wooseok collapsed at the nearest shade he laid his eyes on.

"Don't say that let's have faith we will find them" Xicheng joined him.

"That is what I said one hour ago but now I don't know" Wooseok sighed "Each hour that passes the more scared I become. Who knows what condition they will be. I shouldn't have chased them away to go and eat" Wooseok silently sobs

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