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" Can you remind me why i have to meet you here in the middle of my work shift " Xiao Zhan sat across Wang Yibo . He wasn't in the good mood in the first place , with two of the RN's messing up in the operation Room and with the university suddenly calling him for a seminar today wasn't going that well for Xiao Zhan. Wang Yibo had asked to meet him in the vintage cafe 2 traffic lights away from the hospital .

  " The divorce you want to finalize it right" Wang Yibo went straight to the point.

Zhan nodded .

" but before the finalization can  you do me a favor "  Yibo asked Zhan . It was rare for Yibo to ask for favors from anyone in the first place.

" what is it "  zhan was intrigued

" say yes first "

" I am not saying yes to something i don't know" zhan answered from experience

" just say yes it is nothing extreme , do you trust me "

Did Zhan trust Yibo , was that even a question. Of course he did trust him if Yibo said Jump zhan would even do it together with a flip

" i do trust you but what in the world are you tricking me to commit to "  zhan asked , he had to look tough in front of Yibo his mind kept reminding him that

" So that is a yes then " Yibo asked

Xiao Zhan nodded .

" Before i sign the papers , can we be a couple one more time , no acting nothing out of the sorts just me and you and our honest feelings please "

Zhan was surprised by the favor Wang Yibo was asking . Was Yibo same for asking that .

" For how long " Zhan Asked , was he insane what in the world was he bargaining into only fools would say yes to this .

" 2 months just for two months "

" Okay " Zhan gave off his consent .

Call him mad , a fool , a desperate person but the things Zhan would do it for Wang Yibo was big beyond measure .

" lets get this clear so you asked Zhan and you to be a couple one more time " Seungyoun asked Yibo. after Yibo finished telling him what he was doing in the Cafe with Zhan

" Mmh "

" Are you mad , my dear friend do you both know what you are bargaining for here this is a dangerous game the both of you are playing "

" I know "

Seungyoun scoffed as he drank down the rest of his beer , maybe he was too sober for this maybe this was part of a sitcom right , cause what fool would ask their ex husband for one last time as a couple before they breaked things off.

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