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Hello new readers
Happy 5k

2 months had passed now ever since the medical team were deployed to Kiribati. Xiao Zhan had come to the term that he had to let go of the hurting of the past for him to be able to move on peacefully and to also be at peace with his ex-husband who had come to be a common day occurrence in his everyday life. Now that they were friends everything was peaceful for Xiao Zhan. Everything was peaceful and every day Xiao Zhan was able to discover the beauties of Kiribati. Xiao Zhan had also met with the boy who allegedly had a crush on Sizhui and gave him a pep talk of 'if you act constipated around Sizhui he will never know you like him. That kid is as oblivious as he comes you have to spell it out to him that you like him. And maybe that pep talk helped or it didn't Xiao Zhan never came to know. All he knows was that Sizhui is always a strawberry around Jin Ling. Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo would always go on occasional dates once in a while and they were the best it was like he was discovering a new side to him and Yibo each and every 'friendly date' they would go.

Today was a nice warm sunny Wednesday and Xiao Zhan had planned to spend the day with Sizhui and Wooseok since they barely spend time together ever since they arrived back from their visit to the town and that was like a month ago. Everything was going well according to their plans, Xiao Zhan had driven the three to a secret place he had found not too long ago.

"Ay, where did this come from it is so pretty," Sizhui asked as he ran around

"I was driving to town when I saw it" Xiao Zhan chuckled. The area was a lagoon with two stones covering it from the outside of the road, it connected to the ocean with a single stream. At the lagoon, there was a shipwreck that was covered with coral reefs, green plants that had colourful flowers that added colour and glow to the lagoon.

"It is so breathtaking" Wooseok looked around

the three sat down and they caught up on each other with a distinct tease from Wooseok once or twice, they even enjoyed the lunch Xiao Zhan had made. Everything was fine until the ground started to shake.

"What's happening" Sizhui panicked while he looked at the others.

"We need to go this might be an earthquake" Wooseok woke up collecting the things they had. It settled once they had everything together, but it started once again when they had boarded their car.

"put on the safety belt" Xiao Zhan instructed them while he had the car on Parking breaks. "We are going to wait here until it is clear"

"Tell the company Captain that there is an Earthquake watch out issued" On of the officers commanded the reporter from the satellite room

Quickly news went around the base announcing there was an oncoming earthquake and the residents had to evacuate to the designated place. Once the whole base was evacuated to the large dining hall Wang Yibo had the group leaders take down the population and see who is missing from their team so they can see who is missing and how to conduct a search for them.

"Team 2 battalion 1 sir everybody is here sir"
"Team 1 battalion 1 everyone is here sir"
"Team 3 battalion 1 everyone is here sir"
"Team 4 battalion 2 everyone is here sir"
"Team 1 battalion 2 everyone is here sir"
"Team 3 battalion 2 everyone is here sir"
"Team 2 battalion 2 everyone is here sir"
"Team Alpha everyone is here sir" Yixuan reported.

"Uhm medical team we are missing three people" Wen Qing reported to Wang Yibo who was busy writing down sth

"Names," Wang Yibo asked not even daring to look at her.

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