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They let me copy this one let me see if they will let me copy the last one.

"And do you know these people were terrorizing me because of our friendship Like they even thought that we are married" Xiao Zhan was quick to snitch on the group the moment they sat down from getting their lunch? Wooseok only laughed shaking his head. Xiao Zhan decided he was going to terrorize him after class for double-timing him with his grandmother.

"Uh, Dr. Xiao a young man came over and said that you have to see the Captain of the base before resigning to the Living quarters" Xiao Xingchen passed the news to Xiao Zhan.

"Okay, remind me before we go" Xiao Zhan gave off the okay sign. He heard the commotion die down from the entrance to the rest of the dining hall. He looked up to see whose presence was able to make the rowdy cadets quiet down in only a moment. Just like that, it felt like time had stopped for him, it felt like the first time he saw him. He looked exceptionally well, it was the first time Xiao Zhan was seeing him after half a year in a foreign country with his formal uniform. His appearance itself made Xiao Zhan's mouth dry, his heart was beating fast this was not normal that is his divorced husband he wasn't supposed to feel like this but what else was he supposed to feel like if he still loves him. Xiao Zhan could see Wooseok gaze on him, he turned around and saw Wooseok looking at him with worry as if they communicated with just their eyes Wooseok went back to his conversation with the others and Xiao Zhan went back playing with his food while gripping the spoon hardly to assure him this was not a dream but in fact, it was a reality that he was still in.

Just in a flash, the team was done with their dinner and they were getting ready to go back as a group when Wang Yibo approached their tables.

"Good evening I am Captain Wang Yibo the Captain of the base I am very honored to welcome you to the base. And on behalf of the villagers I am going to thank you for your sacrifice that you are going to give"  Wang Yibo gave the team a 90-degree bow since they were Chinese natives and that was a language between them.  Team Alpha (except Sungjoo) and Wooseok held their breath this was very hard the way the both of them were going to react to each other's presence right now was going to determine the climate of their cohabitation in the next ten months. It was like Wooseok and Team Alpha (except Sungjoo) had seen the gates of heaven upon this interaction. Even though the Nurses and other doctors were blushing at the sudden gesture Wooseok was drawing plans on his head on how to fight for his life this coming ten months if things didn't go according to his plan

To start off Xiao Zhan gave 'The Captain of the base' a 90-degree bow. "Thank you for allowing us to accommodate us and provide our safety on behalf of the Hospital team we would like to ask you and your team to take care of us" Xiao Zhan flashed his professional smile even though his heart was racing fast, his back was starting to get sweaty, and his mouth was also starting to get dry and his lips too. "I am Xiao Zhan the medical team leader" He offered his hand for a handshake. Wang Yibo held his hand for the handshake and surprisingly it had the same feeling to it against Xiao Zhan delicate hands.

"Nice to meet you, Mr.  Xiao" Wang Yibo had a blank face on him it was very hard to read his face as it was hard to read Xiao Zhan's face behind that professional smile mask he was pulling. They were both trained in this specialty masking their emotions in front of a predator.

"Likewise Mr. Wang"

Wang Yibo shook Xiao Zhan hands firmly but yet he was holding it delicately just like how he did all these years. There was something about this first meeting after the new chapter in their life there was matureness in it. Was it really matureness or they had just decided to bury their past and start a new. It was never like their awkward interactions 14 years ago. It was not like Xiao Zhan had introduced him as 'i am sorry' and Wang Yibo decided to greet him back 'hi sorry I am Wang Yibo' it is nothing like that this was something very different even how the air around them changed.

As the groups retired to their living quarters. Xiao Zhan had a lot on his mind so he took a detour from the living quarters to just at the edge of the west base there were building ruins that were facing what seemed to be the main building Xiao Zhan didn't know if it was the main building or not but it looked like it was because it had the flag of the hosting country, China's flag, and the UN's flag. Xiao Zhan walked around the ruins tracing his hands at the remaining wall watching out not to get scraped by sharp stones. He kept sighing over and over again he really felt dejected at this time. He sat down on the ground and looked at the moon it looked prettier in this tropical sky more than the polluted air back in China. He dropped his head on his knees looking down at the earth soil mixed with sand and stones. Now he was really fighting back his tears. His breathing became labored as now he was crying hiding away from all the others to not show his vulnerability. It was really now that reality was dawning on him that Wang Yibo and him were now divorced. He really hoped his noisy sobbing didn't attract anyone.

Wang Yibo stood there, he had a clear view of him. He made sure he had a nice view of him in case anything happened to him the moment he saw him detach himself from the group. Something in him had churned to see if he was okay it was like he was worried for him. The sky today was darker it made the half-moon more visible than the other days. He looked over to where Xiao Zhan was walking he was still there standing looking at the moon just like him it reminded him of the days where they would go on long drives together and moon gazing after a long day of hectic back to back schedules. Would Xiao Zhan look at him now under this same sky gazing on the same moon but not together just in different positions? Wang Yibo would remember when they would set fire to their hearts under the moonlight, Xiao Zhan looked beautiful when he looked at him with his eyes reflecting the moon those were good days. 

He just blinked and Xiao Zhan disappeared from his eyesight. For a moment Wang Yibo panicked but rushing to the last point Xiao Zhan was and he was welcomed by sobbing sounds from the corner. He stopped in his tracks he couldn't move forward there was a force holding him back this was his vulnerable moments, the moments he felt weak to the knees. Xiao Zhan was there crouched down on the ground sobbing and he couldn't do anything he had to just stand there and not be able to move a muscle to comfort him. These were the moments he prayed Xiao Zhan was in his arms for comfort and safety but even if he prayed hard enough nothing was going to happen against it.

The moon was fading into the clouds it was becoming dark around them. It was starting to get cold too could he step back in time, back in time where he would give Xiao Zhan a hug for comfort and safety. Now he was standing here with a wall separating them with him clenching and unclenching his fist and the only thing providing proof that he was there were the sniffling sounds he was providing. Maybe this was a clear sign that Wang Yibo should let him go, that no matter how much he loved him or how hard or badly he wanted him back. They were never going to be the right partners for each other, maybe this was going to be his acceptance that the best things never come straightforward and they never stay.

After a while, the sniffling sounds had stopped. Wang Yibo carefully and meticulously approached where Xiao Zhan was and alas there he was sleeping calmly after a crying session. His face was tear-stained but beyond that, he looked beautiful under the moonlight. He was going to caress his face but he stopped his hand midway sighing looking around. He removed his camouflage jacket and wrapped it around Xiao Zhan film figure. At least he looked small in his clothes. Xiao Zhan shuddered the cold air must have gotten into his system.

"I-its cold. I am sorry" Wang Yibo quickly apologized finishing zipping up the jacket. Xiao Zhan unconsciously reached out to Wang Yibo's t-shirt snuggling deeper searching for warmth. Wang Yibo's heart raced rapidly. "I-i am going to take you back"  Wang Yibo the great Wang Yibo the greatest military personnel of China's military was brought down to his knees by this warm cute docile of his ex-husband but if he didn't he would still be concerned because he was still in love with this beauty in his jacket now.

Picking him up bridal style he noticed that Xiao Zhan's weight wasn't the same as before it was down. "you loosed some weight" he muttered under his breath. "hold tight" As if Xiao Zhan had selective hearing he held tight to his neck. Wang Yibo chuckled just like old times.

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