
Mark, get up!

The look of pure fear on your face grew more intense the longer you couldn't see him, save for the hints of blue and yellow, as he was pummeled into the ground by a crowd of Flaxans.

Get up!


There was an explosion from where he had been pinned, and in an instant he knocked down dozens of the aliens, and helped Atom Eve, who then began to help with the rest of the team. You walked a few more steps, stumbling and falling against a tree as you heaved a large breath of relief. "Fuck..." You muttered, realizing you had actually begun to tear up. Wiping the tears, you laughed, half-watching the live video as you calmed yourself. Didn't realize I was this worried about him. I feel so... helpless. You pursed your lips, the smile of laughter fading. Of course I feel helpless- I'm usually there to help him with everything when he's in trouble. And now that he has his powers, there are things he'll be doing that I can't help with, no matter how much I want to. You were taken from your thoughts when your phone buzzed. Quirking a brow, you opened to see it was from Debbie.

Debbie: Nolan's awake!

Your eyes widened as you immediately stood.


You started to run when you realized you had no quick way to get over to the Pentagon, so you took out your phone. Still running as you texted, you pulled up Mark's number.

Y/n: Your dads awake and I need a ride over man can you pick me up

Im still outside of school


After five minutes... 

Mark: omw

Within the instant he had replied, Mark swooped in, landing in front of you. "Dad's awake?!" You nodded, huffing slightly. "M- Debbie messaged me. Did she not message you?" He turned from you, crouching, gesturing for you to climb onto his back. "She did- I just felt like I had to confirm this was all real." You let out a breathy laugh as you hopped on as he gripped onto you, launching himself back into the air and towards the Pentagon. You had to hold on tight and bury yourself in his back to keep the wind from getting the best of you.

Less than a minute later you were in the Pentagon, still being carried by Mark, since both of you knew it would be quicker that way. Once at the door, he let you off of his back, and you both entered the room at the same time. You saw the moment Mark lit up with glee and relief- and your emotions matched his when you saw Nolan, awake and alright. "Hey, son." Mr. Grayson greeted, a smile on his face. In a flash, Mark was in front of his father, giving him a tight hug. "Dad!" The man winced. "Ow! Ribs... " Mark released his hold, his mother drawing him back with a, "careful- you're going to put him in a coma again!" Laughter laced her voice. You slowly approached them, feeling out of place. "Mr. Grayson... you're okay." You said, the man's line of sight being drawn to you. Debbie smiled, looking at you. "No, he's not, but he is okay enough to come home." You could hear the joy in her voice, and see it in the creases in the outer corners of her eyes. You were happy. But still, you felt wrong, and as though you weren't meant to be there.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" Debbie asked, brows furrowed at your lacking reaction. "I... I don't know. I'm happy you're okay, Mr. Grayson, really. I just feel a little out of place, I suppose." You answered as lightly as you could, trying not to bring down the mood. Debbie shook her head- it was as if she knew exactly what you were thinking. "No, Y/n, don't ever feel like you're out of place with us." Mark leaned out to you, mask now gone, grabbing your shoulder and leading you towards them. "Yeah, seriously. You're one of us!" You smiled, truly this time, looking to Nolan. "Well, then, I feel like this is deserved." You pulled Mark in with one arm, and leaned in to hug Mr. Grayson with the other. It was a much softer hug than Mark's- with the super strength and all- but the two still ended up letting out "oomf's" due to their surprise. "I'm glad you're okay, Mr- I mean, Nolan. I'm glad you're okay, Nolan." He returned the hug, patting your back. "Thank you, Y/n." You pulled away, Mark tousling your hair as the man gave you a warm look. "I'm glad I'm okay, too."

Nolan turned to Mark with the same warmth, and even pride. "Mom says you've been keeping the planet safe for me?" Mark laughed, rolling his eyes. "Mom's exaggerating." You bumped his shoulder. "And you're being humble." Mr. Grayson let out a breathy laugh. "Tell me everything."


After a long story, and the two superheroes had changed into civilian garb, you walked down the hall with Mark by your side, Nolan and Debbie behind you. He headed for the room you remember meeting him in with the old woman- Maya. The both of you peeked in to see it was empty. Confused, Mark went up to the woman at the front desk. "What hospital did they move Maya to?" The woman's eyes widened for a moment before she then gave him a sympathetic look. You both got the message- and you somehow had known it all along. Maya had died. Mark stumbled, taking a step back. "N- I- uh-" He stuttered, denial overtaking him. "No, they said she'd recover." You looked to the ground, setting a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry- sometimes things don't go as expected." Nolan approached Mark, setting a hand on his shoulder, and on top of yours- seemingly not knowing it was there. "It's part of the job." His seriousness faded, turning into gaiety. "Come on, let's go home. I'm dying for some real food." Mark shook off his hand, frustration and anger towards his dad returning as he trudged away. You gave Nolan a mean look before following Mark- and of course the man didn't see it.

"Fuck- man, are you okay?" Mark sniffled. "Yeah..." You frowned. "No, you're not." Letting out a sigh, you thought up a list of things that could help him feel better. "Wanna get some ice cream?" He looked at you with tears in his eyes, but was clearly trying to hold them back. "Frosty Cakes?" You nodded, smiling softly. "Yeah, the one with the donut ice cream." He nodded and you patted his back, the both of you heading for the entrance. "Good- would you be up to fly us there? I doubt Cecil would be willing to let whoever's driving us make that detour." He nodded again, chuckling sadly. "Yeah, of course." His smile quickly faded though, replaced by that same upset and disappointed and miserable look. Upset he couldn't have done better in saving Maya. Disappointed at his father for showing no empathy or sympathy. Miserable at the death of the woman overall.

The two of you got your ice creams, donut-holes topping them. You sat outside on a bench, looking to the sky. You'd be late to work today, but that was fine, since you'd probably be working late anyway- with you preparing for the murder case and all.

Setting the spoon down in the cardboard bowl, you let out a breath. "You wanna talk?" Mark stopped eating as well. "About what?" You shrugged. "All of it, I guess. There's a lot to unpack." Mark leaned back into the bench, letting his ice cream sit in his lap. "Well, a woman I had tried to rescue died, and it was my fault-" You held your hand up. "I'm already going to stop you there. It wasn't your fault." Mark opened his mouth to retort, only for you to toss him a look and tell him to zip it. "As much as I hate to admit it, with how unsympathetic he was being, your dad is right. Stuff like that happens, and is going to keep happening.

"It's okay to be sad about it, but you can't let it get you down. You can't let it keep you down. All that's going to do is lock you in a pit of depression. You tried, and honestly that's all I feel really matters when it comes down to being a hero." Mark frowned, his agitation getting to him. "How would you know? You're not like me." You glared at him, not willing to take even a moment of his attitude. "I may not have flashy powers like you, but I still have to deal with death, Mark. The only difference is that I deal with the aftermath. At least you're actually able to try and stop it from happening in the first place." That seemed to get Mark's guilt to catch up with him, as he looked to the ground, regretting his words. You pursed your lips, setting a hand on his back. "Look, I know being a hero and having these powers are tough, but you gotta grow into them, and the responsibility of having them. Use them for good, and help more people- for Maya." There was a moment of silence as he leaned forward, rubbing his hands down his face. He was still trying to pent up all of his emotions. "Thanks, Y/n." You nodded, messing up his hair like he had yours earlier. "Yeah, yeah, Mr. Invincible. I've got your back." He snickered, bumping his shoulder into yours, to which you bumped him back.

After a moment of giggling and pushing, you guys stopped, going back to eating your ice creams and donuts. Taking your ice cream, you began to eat it when you thought you felt a pair of eyes on your back. You froze, somehow feeling with absolute surety that someone was watching you. The hairs on the back of your neck stood as you turned, only to see nothing. You turned back towards your ice cream as you heard a faint whoosh of wind. You turned back again, still seeing no one. Mark was also still there, so it wasn't him. Mark noticed your odd behavior, and tilted his head. "What's up?" You shook your head. "Thought I heard something." 

The Unkillable: Death Sworn [INVINCIBLEXREADER]Where stories live. Discover now