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(SUNDAY... continued)

The restaurant/bar is favored by most idols and hallyu stars, not only for their best beer and good food but most especially, for the staff's discretion.  If a secret celebrity couple wants to eat or have a drink together without being discovered by fans and reporters, it was the best place to go to.  BTOB arrived and was immediately shown to a section with only two tables, separated from the main dining area by a tall screen.

"We're not sitting at our usual table?" Eunkwang asked.

"No, hyung! I called earlier to make a reservation," Sungjae confirmed.  "I don't want to run into anyone we know. I'm not in the mood to socialize right now so I asked them for a table with a little more privacy," he explained.

Recalling how he wasn't able to relax during his vacation because of them, his hyungdeul didn't question his decision.  As they came near the area, they could hear female voices.

One voice in particular sounded very familiar to Ilhoon, and he remembered Irene telling him that she and girls are going out.  Lord, please don't let it be here, he prayed silently

"Seems like there's already another group inside," Minhyuk said.  As they passed through the screen divider, they saw Red Velvet seated at one of the tables.

Oh, hell, Hyunsik thought.

Oh, damn, Changsub said to himself.

Oh, shit, Peniel cursed silently.

The girls stopped talking when they realized it was BTOB who walked in.  Everyone tensed up when Joy and Sungjae made eye contact.

"You!" Sungjae said, devoid of any emotion.

"Yeah! Me. Got here first. Been here for a while," Joy replied in the same tone.

"So!" Sungjae quipped.

"So!" Joy echoed.

Sungjae shrugged Eunkwang's hand off when the latter grabbed his arm as he took a step towards Joy who arched an eyebrow but wasn't budging.  Standing toe to toe now, Sungjae and Joy stared at each other, making their friends grow tense.

"Sungjae. Let's just go somewhere else," Minhyuk said.

"Or, we can just share. The space is big enough for all of us," Irene suggested with a nervous smile.

Sungjae held up his hand, effectively silencing their friends who all started talking at once, expressing their agreement to Irene's idea.  Everyone gasped when Sungjae pulled Joy to him... and kissed the top of her head.

"Have you been waiting long?" Sungjae asked Joy warmly.

"Not very long. But I did miss you," Joy replied sweetly, wrapping an arm around Sungjae's waist.

Ilhoon was the first one to recover from surprise.  "What the fff...?" he began when Eunkwang yelled, "ILHOON!" as a warning. "...fudge?" Ilhoon finished lamely, making everyone laugh, breaking the tension.

"But, yeah, what the fudge?" Peniel said.

"Isn't it obvious, hyung?" Sungjae said, hugging Joy tighter.

"So, you're together now?" Yeri clarified.  Joy and Sungjae nodded as a confirmation.

"I thought our idea was a bust," Wendy commented.

"So what's this all about?" Seulgi asked.

"We wanted to thank all of you for setting us up. So we thought we'd treat you out. But this guy, being the prankster that he is, had another idea," Joy replied.

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