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Joy woke up later than her usual time.  She couldn't sleep last night.  Their conversation kept replaying in her head, keeping her awake.  Many times during the night, she wanted to cross that pillow-barrier Sungjae insisted on placing between them from the first night they slept next to each other.  He said he wants to respect her space.  She didn't know how Sungjae would react if she crossed that barricade, so she satisfied herself by staring at his face until she fell asleep herself.  She still can't believe that her ultimate bias and biggest crush likes her, too.  Getting out of the bed, Joy quickly showered and brushed her teeth, then excitedly went out to look for him.  She found him on the porch, stretching.  Joy watched him for a while, admiring his beautiful form, before sneaking up to him.  Sungjae was now staring out into the sea, hands on his hips.  Taking a steadying breath, Joy gathered her courage then quietly walked up to him.  She slipped her arms around his waist, hugging him from behind.

"Good morning, oppa," Joy said.

Although he was startled by Joy's action, Sungjae quickly recovered from surprise.  Smiling, he covered Joy's hands with his for a few seconds, savoring the moment, before turning around to face her and returning her hug.

"Good morning, my Sooyoung," he said, placing his chin on the top of her head.  "Are you MY Sooyoung?" he asked.

Joy nodded, pressing her cheek onto his hard chest, listening to the sound of his heart.  It was beating fast, just like hers.  Sungjae could feel her smile against his chest.

"You just made me the happiest man. Thank you," Sungjae said, kissing the top of her head.

"Me, too," Joy said.

"You're also the happiest man?" Sungjae teased her.

"Aish! You're ruining the moment," Joy said, slapping his arm.

Sungjae laughed.  "Sorry!" he said, tightening his arms around her.  "Are you sure about this, Sooyoung? I already told you, no pressure," Sungjae asked her.

"I'm sure, oppa. I've thought about it a lot last night," Joy confirmed, looking at him.  "We'll have to be careful, though. I'm still under a dating ban," she reminded him.

"I know. That's why I told you last night, I'll let you set the pace. I can wait until you're ready," Sungjae replied.

"Would it be okay with you if we don't go out much?" Joy asked him.

"Even if we don't go out at all, I'll be okay with that. I don't want you to risk your career for me. Being an idol myself, I know how hard you worked to get to where you are now," Sungjae told her.

"So, what do we do?" Joy said.

"Well, we can always call or message each other privately. And there will always be an event where both our groups will attend. I can wait for the right time when I can tell the world that you belong to me. For now, it's enough for me to know that you're mine," Sungjae assured her.

"But I'm worried, oppa," Joy told him.

"That we'll get caught?" Sungjae asked her.

"No. I'm worried that you'll get tired of waiting for me, and you'll look for someone who can date openly. You're so popular now and getting more popular every day," Joy replied.  "Aish! You're already so talented, and nice. Do you need to be so handsome, too? And you also have a sexy body, on top of that," she whined.

"Aigoo! Is my girlfriend jealous?" Sungjae teased Joy, earning him another light slap on the arm.

"Well, who wouldn't be? You're quite a catch, you know. And there are a lot of girls out there who's prettier than me, and who doesn't have dating issues," Joy protested.

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