I. Meeting The Family

Start from the beginning

"Can I come with you?" Aphmau tilted her head. "I want to see their reactions!" She added chuckling.

"You can go get them 'ere and watch the reactions," Tommy smiled and offered to take the girl back to himself.

Aphmau places a motherly kiss on top of the girl's forehead before handing her back to her father.

"10/10 would Gawken again!" Aphmau smirked, throwing an old joke from her time with The Few. "I'll be back soon!" She smiled and run off to go get her other sons.

"You're gonna be meeting the whole family now," Tommy chuckled and brushed the girl's hair with his hand.

     Soon Aphmau got back with Levin and Malachi, who seemed a bit confused. They had no idea what was waiting for them at the ruins of Kiki's barn.

"Tommy? Is that a child?" Levin asked in shock.

"This is my adopted daughter Clementine!" Tommy chuckled and introduced his daughter.

"She's our nephew? That's really amazing!" Malachi smiled. He was really happy for his "older" brother.

"How old is she?" Levin inquired and examined the girl with his eyes. He was really curious about his new nephew.

"She's around 4, I think, but she's way more smarter than that," Tommy explained again.

"She's a moth-hybrid, isn't she?" Malachi asked curiously when he noticed the antennas and wings she had.

"Yep, she can transform to a moth too," Tommy nodded proudly and set the girl on the ground next to his brother so they could have a closer look.

"I can't believe how adorable she is!" Aphmau cooed and looked at the girl, who seemed to enjoy her time in the spotlight.

"She is," Levin had to admit that he agreed with her on that.

"Is she going to come with you once you leave Phoenix Drop or is she going to stay here?" Malachi asked curiously.

"I really don't know," Tommy admitted.

"She can come with us, I'm sure we can make sure she stays safe and she seems to be attached to you," Aphmau spoke. She knew that Tommy would feel really protective about his daughter, Aphmau felt the same about her sons and now her granddaughter too.

"I don't think I can make her stay 'ere. She follows me literally everywhere and that trip isn't going to be the shortest one," Tommy grinned. He knew that they would be traveling for days, looking for the perfect island.

"Should you introduce her to Zoey too?" Levin inquired.

"I think she's finally ready to meet some other people too," Tommy said and looked at her to get an accepting nod. "Who wants to go Zoey?" He inquired.

"I'll do it!" Aphmau exclaimed and ran off straight away.

"So, her name is Clementine?" Malachi made sure he had gotten it right.

"Yep, I named her," Tommy smirked proudly.

"That sounds exactly like a name you would give someone," Levin teased him.

"Well, she was a moth when I named her, so she has a moth's name," Tommy shrugged. "But at least she likes it," He added and Clementine giggled. She loved her name.

"IS THAT A TODDLER?" Zoey exclaimed and ran to the girl without thinking for a second.

"Hey Zoey, this is my adopted daughter, Clementine," Tommy chuckled at her reaction. Zoey had always been like a second mother to him and she was definitely a part of the family.

"SHE'S SO ADORABLE! LOOK AT HER! SO SO CUTE!" Zoey exclaimed, eyes sparkling as she examined the toddler in front of her.

Levin and Malachi chuckled and stood up to make more space for the exited babysitter. Aphmau was smiling too when she walked to them after Zoey.

"I'm sure she would to hang out with you more, if you want to," Tommy mentioned. He knew Clementine was going to need a babysitter because he had still a lot to do before they would leave.

"OF COURSE I'M GOING TO BABYSIT HER! YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO ASK ME!" Zoey was so excited that it wasn't unclear to anyone.

"Amazing, thank you Zoey!" Tommy smiled.

"Can I have her now?" Zoey turned to look at Tommy with sparkling eyes.

"Sure, I have a lot of shit to do anyways," Tommy smiled and ruffled the girl's hair.

"Look at you! Your so adorable!" Zoey cooed to the girl and the others decided to leave her alone to have her moment with the baby. They all knew her history with her own child and wanted to let her take care of other children since she loved them so much.

     Tommy headed to the docs where the ship was waiting. They had gotten it from Chad, which had seriously surprised everyone since no one had known that he could actually do something like that.

They would be leaving soon, but before that Aphmau, Aaron, Laurance, Tommy and Travis would go look for Lucinda because Aphmau needed her to come with them once they left looking for the island and Tommy completely agreed with her. Lucinda was going to be an useful addition to their group, if they could find her.

Tommy had never been in Pikoro, but he had heard about it from Aphmau. Apparently Malachi had been close to it when she had found him. He was really excited to go there, especially since Clementine now had a babysitter, who would make sure she didn't go and die while Tommy was away.

"Tommy," He turned around to see Laurance behind him.

"Hey Laurance," He smiled to the older guard.

"You're coming with us to Pikoro?" Laurance wanted to make sure he had got it right.

"Yep, I'm sticking with you," Tommy nodded.

"Great. I wanted to make sure that you know that the map has changed a lot during these last 15 years and we really don't know what's waiting us there," Laurance explained.

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind," Tommy nodded. He wasn't a child anymore, he knew that this wasn't a trip just for fun. He knew they were going to a place that maybe wasn't even close to safe.

"Good, we'll be leaving soon," Laurance nodded and started heading back to the guard tower.

Tommy turned to look at sea. He really didn't know what was going to happen, but he was definitely ready for an adventure. He was ready to face whatever was waiting for him in the future!

Words: 1718

(The 2nd Act has begun!)

(The picture above is a picture of what me and my friend drew at our old school's yard one day before the summer break started)

The Freedom I Wanted {Dream Smp x Minecraft Diaries Crossover}Where stories live. Discover now