"Dr. Burke, thank you for choosing me to assist you today." Evi says.

"You're my guy, Jensen." He says turning to her.

"But I am not a guy." She says confused.

"Well saying you're my girl sounds a little weird." He says and Evi agrees.


Evi was wheeling Mrs. Griswold in a wheelchair down a hospital hallway to get her nuclear scan. Mr. Griswold was walking with them.

"Alan!" Ms. griswold says.

"Yes?" Her husband answers.

"Watch your step, you're hitting my chair."

"I'm sorry."

"And hold onto my bag."

"I've got it."

"And don't rummage through it."

"I won't."

Evi hands Mrs. Griswold over to a tech at the scan room who takes Mrs. Griswold into the room. Evi and Mr. Griswold remain outside.

"Please and thank yous were never her strong suit." Mr. Griswold says to Evi.

"You're a very patient person." Evi says.

"Years of practice." He says as the strap of Mrs. Griswold bag comes undone. "Whoops."

Evi takes the bag off him and starts putting the strap back in its place.

"I just try to keep her calm. You know they didn't think they she was gonna survive the 1st surgery, let alone 3 more. Here it is 10 years later, she's still here. Yeah it's a miracle that she's still alive. That's what everyone says."

"What do you say?" Evi asks still fixing the strap.

"Uh, it's right there in the vows. In sickness and in health, right?" Evi nods and hands Mr. Griswold the bag back fixed. "Thanks."


"I don't need a pregnant guy because I am Burke's guy." Evi says joining the girls and George at the lunch table. "The elevator really paid off." She says.

George sinks into his chair folding his arms. "I should've been Burke's guy. I should've been the elevator guy." He says.

Alex wheels Nicole to their table with both their lunches. The rest of them look at him questioningly.

"Hi ... I'm Alex's charity case." She says.

"Huh, I like her already." Cristina says.

"Are you volunteering?" George asks.

"Don't ask." Alex says.

"Why? It's not like we can read your mind. It's not like we have any idea what's going on in your tiny, tiny, tiny little brain." Izzie says.

"She has a point." Evi says pointing her fork at Izzie.

Cristina's pager goes off. "I am hungry!" She exclaims. She gets up and leaves.

"So this is cool. A real live lunchtime. In a real cafeteria with trays and friends." Nicole says.

"We're not his friends." Izzie says.

"Don't they have a cafeteria at your school?" Evi asks.

"I'm home schooled by my parents."

"That explains a lot." Alex says.

"So are you guys the cool kids around here or something?"

"What would make you think that?"

"It seems like everyone is talking about you."

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