Dear Silent Readers

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Just imagine that you have worked hard for a test. You perform pretty well in it. But still, the teacher fails you for no reason.

How would you feel?


Am I right?

This is exactly what I feel when readers don't vote on my book even when they liked it.

Several readers have added this book to their reading lists and just by reading the names of reading lists, it's crystal clear that they liked the story.

Then why don't you vote?

For months I am consoling myself saying that maybe I am not that good at writing and my story doesn't deserve votes. But I know, that is not the reason.

Please, stop being so ignorant. I have worked hard on this book even when I didn't want to write it, just because I didn't want to disappoint readers.

Then why you are disappointing me?

At least vote on one chapter. Or it takes your money to vote?

Please value a writer's hard work.

His Chanda | Star-crossed LoversWhere stories live. Discover now