Ch-15 Epilogue

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Her fear was right. He changed. He changed into a person surrounded by the negativity.

Breaking of a vase startled everyone in the bungalow. Angraj again lost his cool over a tiny mistake of a servant.

"Get lost from here!" He shouted angrily.

His mother came to the living hall.
"Raj, try to control yourself. Stop fuming over little things."

"Maa, please! I am not a kid."

His mother was now fed up with his frustrating self. But she needed to be on his side. He is her son, she understands what he is going through.

He had a terrible headache due to stress. Leaning on the couch, he was trying to bear it without breaking anything else.
As he felt his mother's fingers massaging his scalp, he relaxed.

"What happened?"

"Opposition party is responsible for indulging youngsters into drugs. I don't know how to stop it. I can't take actions legally without any proof neither I can do it illegally. Their leader is very sharp and don't want youth's interference in politics."

"I don't know how to do these conspiracies, so I have no suggestion for you. I can only pamper my son."

She pulled his cheeks and he smiled.

He doesn't need any advice. He only needed someone to hear his problems.

"I miss her, Maa. What if she never came back?"

"Then she never loved you. If she loves you, she will come back to you. Your wait will worth."

He nodded.


"Good morning, Ang."

"Good morning, Chanda."


His sleep quickly vanished as he realized that he heard her voice and replied to her as well. He opened his eyes and found her standing in front him. He rubbed his eyes, to make sure he wasn't hallucinating again. But no, she was still there. She was real.


He got up and engulfed her into a tight hug. She let him crush her bones with his elation.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"I doubt that. You took whole six months to come back."

"You were the one who said you'll wait for me till eternity."

"You should at least call me once in a day. Even if I am ready to wait till the eternity."

"Oh! Sorry, I am not a genius like you."

"Don't worry. Now we are together forever. I'll make you genius as well."

She blushed.

"Ang..... I realised. I was afraid that you will change. But now I have made promise to myself. I won't let anything change you. And our distance will only do worse to you. So last night I realised it and today I am here."

He kissed her on forehead.

"Let's marry, Chanda."

She blushed even more and hid herself in his chest.

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